A reminder: Sunday, Dec. 14 is our next Dc/Baltimore (and beyond) area Squeeze In. 2-6 PM. All genres, all levels of experience. This is an inclusive, friendly gathering. You can lead tunes, join in robustly, or play quietly in a corner; all are welcome, including absolute beginners. All kinds of squeezeboxes are welcome; one of these days we may even get a bandoneon.
As always, we'll do a mix of actual jamming - ie no dots - and reading from notation. We'll do some easy tunes and some challenging ones.
Here's an initial selection of tunes we might want to play. They're in a Dropbox folder; I'd prefer that if you like playing from notation, you print your own copies (last time, I printed so many my printer ran out of toner!).
Feel free to contribute additional tunes; send them to me and I'll add them to Dropbox. And of course we'll be doing an equal amount of seat-of-the-pants jamming.
Also feel free to bring some snacks and drinks, but this isn't mandatory.
For directions ping me.