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Oh, it did stop, just a few meters past the door. Good! I presume, timewise, it was just after the English YARD arm... What bar had the bus got up to when it stopped playing...? "MTV Music Meter The MTV Music Meter is a music discovery experience. Our front door is a daily list of the top 100 artists trending right now. How is the ranking determined? mtvmusicmeter.com" Trust you will be playing Stormy Weather as you head north.... You of all people should know tune lad http://www.worldweatheronline.com/Tune-weather/Sjelland/DK.aspx And for a summery rendition from our own parish if concertinas are banned on trains and buses here are some words: Don't know why there's no sun up in the sky Stormy weather since my man and I ain't together Keeps raining all the time, the time Life is bare, gloom and misery everywhere Stormy weather, just can't get my poor self together It's raining all the time, the time When you went, you went away, the blues walked in and met me If he stays away, ol' rocking chair will get me All I do is pray, the Lord above will let me walk in the sun once more Can't go on, everything I had is gone Stormy weather since my man and I ain't together It's raining all the time I walk around, heavy-hearted and sad Night comes around and I'm still feeling bad Rain's pouring down, blinding every hope I had This pitterin pattering, beating and spattering drives Me Mad Love, Love, Love, this misery's just too much for me Can't go on, everything I have is gone Stormy weather since my man and I ain't together It's raining all the time, keeps raining all the time And less well known: STORMY WEATHER, BOYS We were laying in Surrey Dock one day. The mate knew that it was time to get under way. cho: Stormy weather, boys, stormy weather, boys, When the wild blows our barge will go. He's homeward bound but he's out of luck 'Cause the skipper's half drunk in the Dog and Gun Then the skipper came aboard with the girl on his arm He's going to give up barging and take a farm. So the mate ran forrard and the cook fell in the drains And the skipper caught his knackers in the mains The mate's at the wheel and he gybed her twice 'Cause the skipper's got his knackers in a bowl of ice At last we're off down Limehouse Reach, When our leeboards knocked on Greenwich Beach The barge went ashore and scared our whore. She said:"Chuck this, I'm off ashore." We shoved her off and away we go, But the skipper's got a bottle of beer below. She fills away and she sails like heck But there ain't no bargemen up on deck. There's a crash and a bump and she's ashore The mate says: "Christ, we're on the Nore." Then up comes a mermaid covered in mud The skipper says: "I think we're on the Whittaker Spit" Then up comes another one covered in slime So we took her down the focsle and had a time. On the top of the tide the barge did fleet, When the mate sees a ghost on the tops'l sheet So away we go and the ghost did steer, And the cook drank the dregs of the old man's beer. We laid close-hauled round Orford Ness, When the wind backed round to the south sou'west We reached our port all safe and sound And tied her up in Yarmouth Town. So after all our fears and alarms We all ended up in the Druid's Arms. source: http://www.lyricsondemand.com/u/unknownlyrics/stormyweatherboyslyrics.html dots http://abcnotation.com/tunePage?a=back.numachi.com:8000/dtrad/abc_dtrad.tar.gz/abc_dtrad/STRMYWTH/0000 (many other toons at abcnotation.com and (John Chambers) http://trillian.mit.edu/~jc/music/abc/
Converting .MOV (Mac) video file to PC (wmv/flv etc)?
Kautilya replied to Kautilya's topic in Concertina Videos & Music
Tks. But would be grateful to know which one you regularly use. Unfortunately, like http://www.iskysoft.com/thankyou/install-video-converter.html you often get to the operating menu and you realise you have been tricked -- it turns out to be a demo which is NOT free as the rssult is deliberately watermarked and it is a trick to pull you in to pay. I will certainly never use it and the sillybillies have not grasped that wasting half an hour of my time will ensure I tell everyone else not to use it! I dont mind donating sometimes but I hate being conned by the "free" trick I am not at all happy about Canon being so stupid as to use only one format - why should I go out and buy a Mac!? Likewise, every time my Epson printer tells me I am not using genuine Epson ink cartridges and forces me to hit continue to print, it makes me even more determined not to buy their's. It is why Brussels stopped these companies running their own monopolies http://www.creators-not-consumers.co.uk/poluk/Ink_cartridge_scandal.htm -
George - you should know better from your misspent youth, bunking off from the office down to Chapel Market where these were sold in a number of shops. Their brand name "Singer" indicates they were vocal instruments and the faster you pedalled the faster you sang The Tailor's Song! I'm not stitching you up - honest!
Tonite! GEORGE INN SQUEEZE, scrape,blow &sing
Kautilya posted a topic in Public News & Announcements
http://youtu.be/5rcAqRUW7Kc Just 100 yrds down from London Bridge bus tube and rail station. Lots of French and other geographical offerings first room on the right of the coaching yard (or upstairs......) The George Inn Yard, 77 Borough High Street, Southwark, London SE1 1NH 020 7407 2056 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_George_Inn%2C_Southwark Flautist coming who would like to play Angela's waltz by our very own Chris Drinkwater..... -
On the name: it probably means patented (breveté)by Busson, and Busson did make their own instruments too, and flutinas. This link shows an accordion whereas the one you have spotted above is more a harmonium perhaps. http://orgs.usd.edu/nmm/Exhibitions/BeethovenBerlioz/BBBussonaccordion.html Tho, intriguingly a Busson comes up in another context = \The Oxford Dictionary for Writers and Editors: breveté s.g.d.g. (Fr.), patented without government guarantee (sans garantie du gouvernement). du Maurier (George Louis Palmella Busson) 1834-96, English artist and author; -- (Sir Gerald), 1873-1934... koapplib.ru/english/diction/book11.htm But, ho ho, it seems George Louis Palmella Busson Du Maurier (1834-1896) was an artist ..... Another Busson connection: Busson? FlutinaSerial/Year: ca 1870 Nice early example of a french flutina, mother of pearl keys and inlaid with brass and coloured laquer, it is all there but will need some restoring, with original oak carrying box http://www.palmguitars.com/page.php?page=For%20Hire%20Only ever more mysteries ...!
Well it may not be the best of tunes according to you Mike, but it has already been downloaded 39 times so the people clearly beg to disagree with you!! To recover from all that downsizing I need sustenance - it only costs 5.80 now for a big old fashioned soup bowl/plate for one of the best chickehn kormas in the country with about four big rumali rotis (thin, floppy chapatis) and onion, tomato, cucumber and yoghurt mint salad and pappadoms at the "Kash" (Kashmir - which is, where else but, BRADFORD, just up the road from the Alhambra Theatre where they have danced many a music hall hornpipe. So either MSW has to pay the whole cost of my korma, or, so far, it's 14 pence from each downloader! I smell a session coming on! We could take over the big top dining room and eat, drink (bring yr own booze without corkage usually too) and play merry! It is usually quiet in the afternoons. These reviews are just about right - as of next week I reckon it will be the 45th anniversary of my first eating there... loyal customer eh! http://www.bing.com/maps/default.aspx?q=Kashmir_Restaurant-Bradford_West_Yorkshire_England.html&mkt=en&FORM=HDRSC4#bGlkPXluMTAwMXgyMzAzMDAwNzI= photo of Alhambra https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bradford_Alhambra and the other side of the Kash is the FREE national media museum (formerly national museum of photography... http://www.nationalmediamuseum.org.uk/PlanAVisit/PricesOffers.aspx
It would be interesting to add more tinas to a peformance involving these instruments. From this very own parish of ours: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=px6i3OL7o-4&feature=related and as a bit of backing and bringing in the flute, drums, horns/trombone(??)/pipes: I must say the commentary under the one-row melodeon suggests he gains solace from playing; just as with "If thou art troubled, music will calm thee", sung by Ferrier https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXdv_PcqBBI
Strangeface Theatre Company seek professional musician. Award-winning mask company Strangeface are looking for an inventive musician to tour with their adaptation of The Amazing Adventures of Pinocchio this Winter and Spring. This is an ideal opportunity to work with live performance with opportunities to develop an existing score. We are looking for someone with excellent accordion and keyboard skills and experience of working with singers. The company takes performances to a range of venues including theatres, arts centres and community spaces with the support of rural touring schemes (see www.nrtf.org.uk for more details of this work) In rural venues the musician also runs a plot of simple technical cues from their station. Rehearsals begin on 8th October for 4 weeks, the composer will prepare the successful applicant in advance. The production then tours from 4th November to the beginning of March 2013. Email General Manager Bethan Tomlinson on bethan@strangeface.co.uk to find out more about this project. For more information about Strangeface, including tour dates and a link to a clip of our work go to www.strangeface.co.uk Bethan Tomlinson 01892 458023 or 07590 962602 bethan@strangeface.co.uk
I saw this report 2 weeks ago and forgot to mention. 30 Accordions Stolen from Northern Ireland Ken Hopkins, who has a large collection of accordions, has had 30 Accordions Stolen from his home in Northern Ireland. Ken was visited by two men on 4th August who said they wanted to buy an accordion for their grandfather. They arranged to meet in west Belfast a week later but failed to show up. When Ken returned home he discovered 30 instruments were gone. The thieves who had Southern Irish Accents had also taken a motor home and jewellery. In an interview with the BBC Ken said: "They phoned me to say they were running behind time, but they didn't turn up, at the same time they were clearing my house out." Ken said the stolen accordions had been very rare and valuable "They got the keys to the motor home, filled it up with accordions and away they went." He said he realised what had happened when he returned home to find the house ransacked. "Those accordions were quite rare and quite valuable. They were the cream of my collection and I think they might have been stolen to order. Some of them were one-offs, made for certain people." Although the 1950s accordions were stolen in County Down, police believe the instruments could be offered for sale anywhere in Northern Ireland or further afield. A police spokesperson said: "These items are rare and specialised. They are not the sort of thing you would normally see in a pawn shop or being offered for sale door to door or even on web sites. "You would not pay a couple of hundred pounds for an instrument like this and anyone who wanted one knows what they are looking for and knows a reputable seller. Police believe the Fiat Ducato white six-berth motor home, registration W91 PVM, may have been driven out of Northern Ireland. These accordions will most likely be offered for sale without cases, if you or anyone you know are offered high end accordions such as a Hohner Golas, Scandalli Super V1 etc without cases contact the Police Service of Northern Ireland on 0845 600 8000 or contact your local police. At the top of the next page are 6 pictures of some of the accordions that were stolen. Lets hope that some of these Accordions are recovered. Please pass on this information.
Although it may not be particularly relevant to the art of the concertina, I think it might be worth noting that Eric Ball was the "Mozart of the Brass Band" movement Oh definitely relevant Irene- no need to apologise as u are spot on! I found this a whole "new seam to mine" (pun deliberately intended)for tunes on youtube which i did not know know about- I don't think we exploit all the brass tunes around which will work for concertinas, especially the bigger boxes. I was just suggesting the same to Dave Barnert = giving him links to film "Brassed Off" with Pete Postlethwaite. I have to admit I had some time back collected the variouss brass performances from that, with the intention of trying to squeezebox them, but not really had the time. But I leave you with Rodrigo's Concerto d'Orange Juice ....
With reference to Geoff's post with some fine SallyArmy playing:Few Mor http://www.concertina.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=14692&pid=139919&st=0entry139919 Another excuse to ask why you or Dirge don't give us some phrasing/extracts from: that is e-code for Mozart's Horn Concerto No. 4 in Eb Major,rondo (which is one of the key's on the Hohner Liliputs...) Here is some instruction (part of playing it on Harp - harmonica)and thank your Hubble stars that you are squeezing with your hands not your embouchure (i.e. the tina player....) http://www.harpsurgery.com/horn-concerto-no-4-in-eb-major-rondo-allegro-vivace-w-a-mozart-with-tab/ There are full instructions for the rondo on harmonica there:
Burgess - Salvation Army Concertina Solo - great Geoff - sounds almost as good as you on your giant box. And Bramwell has some very sweet trills in there - most impressive. tks! Another excuse to ask why you or Dirge don't give us some phrasing/extracts from: that is e-code for Mozart's Horn Concerto No. 4 in Eb Major (which is one of the key's on the Hohner Liliputs...) Here is some instruction (part of playing it on Harp - harmonica)and thank your Hubble stars that you are squeezing with your hands not your embouchure http://www.harpsurgery.com/horn-concerto-no-4-in-eb-major-rondo-allegro-vivace-w-a-mozart-with-tab/
Mike S W is better than me for Sheffield info local Jim but yr route is a bit cryptic with too many options. Are you going to Newcastle/Arran by car (only one hour by car from Mcr Airport to Dungworth) Regular Trains from Mcr airport to Sheffield (some direct trains) take 1hr.13 up to 1.29 and cost about 16 quid (depending on when u book - see nationalrail.com ) and if you miss the bus from Shefffield to Dungworth (http://www.royalhotel-dungworth.co.uk/directions.php) a taxi may be an option and the Royal does a cheap (cheaper than in Sheffield anyway)B&B and I assume they won't be full in this season. Then u can train up to Newcastle, unless u are in car...... or are u flying from newce.... or u could fly to glasgow and taxi to the ferry (30 quid it seems.{http://www.mainland-taxis.co.uk/fares}..but assume u have all that nearby info from Sam. Or are you flying - ??? u can pm if u like
We do have a regular session in Moscow, so if you will be there - you welcome to visit Actually I'm just a beginner in Irish music, but we have some great players. Here some tunes we played at the end of the session https://dl.dropbox.com/u/8132911/Music%20In%20The%20Glen%20%28with%20a%20Big%20Help%20from%20Moscow%20Sessioneers%29.mp3 https://dl.dropbox.com/u/8132911/Slow%20Reels%20Congress%2C%20Trip%20To%20Cullenstown.mp3 very nice too. maybe we should swap session recordings so folk can hear different tunes and different approaches? So where do you meet - is it in the Kremlin Bar for pu-tinaplayers?
Concertina in Gilbert & Sullivan
Kautilya replied to David Barnert's topic in General Concertina Discussion
Never been a problem before, and someone sent me a large file yesterday (although not quite that large). I will PM you another address to try. Everything's bigger in Texas............so what does that mean for NYK? Split 21MB into two and sent a third 1OMB that's 3 in toto. watch out and see if they get through.... and reply to kautilya mailbox. -
Concertina in Gilbert & Sullivan
Kautilya replied to David Barnert's topic in General Concertina Discussion
U SEEM to be bouncing up and down (mail undelivered twice). Have u been on on the laughing gas again? The two files total 21MB. Too much? -
Concertina in Gilbert & Sullivan
Kautilya replied to David Barnert's topic in General Concertina Discussion
I was not aware. Sure, send me what you've got. My e-mail address is in my sig, below. done -
Surely you don't believe Wikipedia Jack?!
Concertina in Gilbert & Sullivan
Kautilya replied to David Barnert's topic in General Concertina Discussion
Were you aware that we have our own Concertina Band performance of a Policeman's lot....or should I say a Concertina player's lot..... I think I deleted the score from somewhere here just yesterday (!!) or maybe you already saw it before?? I cannot even find the post..... Do you want to hear a performance? (I think it was after your trip to Londinium) -
Hurrah == Tangoman comes out from the darkness! swaledale bending\ Dear Michel - I sent a few emails to you and Pauline to ask about getting some 'bending' videos from our guitar & Wakker expert -- but came there no response. Can u ask Gerd to do some more examples, on video and put them up here, or on youtube please? People still don;t believe it is possible but he did it brilliantly on a variety of tinas in Harry's workshop at Grinton. Tks!!
Few will know if summat is Burns related oor no - as long as it sounds Scottish (they will probably say Scotch anyway!) But! A bit of history before you perform a piece, spoken clearly with a mike, shows em how smart you are, makes em feel good and knowledgable and of course gets em ready to hear and maybe sing. Always have the words passed around the room beforehand so they can join in and sing either all or just the chorus. Their ticket should say :bring reading glasses. so Loch Lomond (lots of gaelic in the last verse) is allegedly by a prisoner due to be executed the next morning who will never see his loved one again. (the words at this url are not the one's I dish out. http://www.mysongbook.de/msb/songs/l/lolomond.html And Rabbie's Loch Lomond footfall http://www.robertburns.org.uk/lochlomond_dumbarton.htm And if there is growing noise from the overlibated then their joining in cuts down the bar racket - as it gets further along you can hear more folk joining in singing and playing (yes there are tinas in there) . And they enjoyed all the flat notes even, and you can hear the lone fiddler continuing to play. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBHmsB1YotE and Rabbie and Danny Boy Ballad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Respected literary figures like Robert Burns and Sir Walter Scott in Scotland both collected and wrote their own ballads, using the form to create an artistic product. Such songs include "Little Rosewood Casket" (1870), "After the Ball" (1892) and "Danny Boy".[31] By the Victorian era, ballad had come to... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ballad The more people join in and sing the more free whiskeys you will get and of course more bookings for other events (paid hopefully) And a bit of humour helps - when they take photos of you in your kilt and tina sporrin shout: "no photos!! - I am paranoid about security!.......... Social Security!! etc etc There is a Danny Boy plus crowd knocking around from Whitby 2012 if you want?
assume you already did forum search? "search for the term music hall returned 119 results" and there was a long discussion here led by Alan Day prior to his music hall session at the Warwick Folk Festival in 2011 (or was it 2010?)....
Phwoar!!!!!!!!!!! That was fast (the playing speed) Jack! (I supposee I should change coded speed) and why does the midi quit playing half way through the dots? When I open midi with its new slimline white line layout there does not seem to be anyway to slow it down as in old Media Player. I tried to upload latest VLC last month but it jumps and gawd knows wot else so I have removed it completely. I am also having trouble with the hi-res Canon video files from Whitby - (yeah u are going to just get sound only) they are in .mov which is a Mac format and I have not worked out how to convert without paying for a converter and even then you have to play em on a v powerful PC or they jump too...