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Everything posted by Kautilya

  1. Swaledale 2012 Friday Night into Sat morning - some extracts http://youtu.be/kizQLtpVhZI
  2. Google Inc. (GOOG) could face a fresh round of criticism from European watchdogs after a French regulator reports on whether changes to its privacy policy violate data-protection rules. And I hear from InsightandMind that on opening the youtube account it has begun showing all of Tallships favourite videos as well as his performances -- shocking (the exposure of his privacies not the quality of his playing !) You may already know Google has been cleverly attaching people's home piccies to people they are in email contact with at work etc etc...... http://www.businessweek.com/news/2012-10-14/google-probe-by-french-privacy-agency-may-prompt-more-inquiries
  3. We really have to find a lawyer ready to make us a lot of money from Google by suing it for allowing false copyright claims on our material and our performances. These mysterious, addressless people are claiming copyright in this "video"** of Londonderry Air (written at least 150 years ago................)- even as Danny Boy, which they labelled ot in their "claim", it would be well out of copyright.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bRNnk0WKSw I will see if I can find time to remove all the xpleeteeves from the late night Friday session and then post that.. it is about five hours. I dont know what happened to sounds for SatnightSunmorning; post- ceilidh, which my legs refused to attend. B) ** Google computepeople are so helpful they tell me about my 'invisible piccies' "We detected your video may be shaky. Would you like us to stabilise it?" and while we are at it, the French, on behalf of Brussels are after Google on privacy - and for real. go see the copyright section. http://www.concertina.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=11445&st=18&gopid=140457entry140457
  4. http://www.bricklanemusichall.co.uk/
  5. or catch it later on iplayer search on BBC Inside Out (London series).
  6. Does Anne Boleyn qualify?- http://monologues.co.uk/With_her_Head.html not sure about this music http://www.spookysoundtrack.com/track/Cyril_Smith_-_With_Her_Head_Tucked_Up_Underneath_Her_Arm.html :( :( :(
  7. Will try before committing suicide through pleasure by nitrous oxide - what did the masochist say to the sadist - "Hit me, hit me" and the sadist replied "Noooooooooo, Noooooo, No" For those on this side of the Atlantic, a 'downer' on the other side of the Atlantic, partickerly around Texarse, is a cow which has died 'naturally' on the range. A slow-downer is one which has taken rather longer to die naturally on the range........
  8. One thing you could do is play along with recordings, perhaps slowed down with The Amazing Slow Downer. I have plugged "The Amazing Slow Downer" twice in the past 24 hours on two different threads here. I have no financial interest in the product. Yeah yeah yeah - that's what Madoff said.....after he chloroformed his clients! Sidestepping the 15US dollar purchase issue, would you reckon the free ABC explorer http://abc.stalikez.info/abce2.php?ex=140 does the same business? I must say the ABC is pretty confusing when it comes to getting a file to play - just tried and given up after 10 minutes!! :blink:
  9. Dots and text all on one A4 page or smaller - that's terrific - really useful to have on one page - 12 out of 10 for cleverness! What I need to work out now is how to open the midi in a format where I can adjust speed etc while playing it and also save it to file. The new thin, whiteish midi playing bar which opens does not allow me to do either. Previously when you hit the midi button in tuneotron it used to download and then you opened the containing folder and then it would open to play and then you would save it with the same name as the master score file. so they come up together a month later when you want to play sing and listen. How to open the new play bar (it;s quicktime I think) to adjust speed etc? I will try to put up a pic of the bar tks!
  10. Filled with misery ....... just perfect. thankyou Anlej Here's a link to on You tube for anyone who'd like to hear the tune Luv it (could be a lurv song too - supah!
  11. Being made by Busson Brevete... Before the cops catch you dahn Chapel market, (as the knicker elastic braces snap on your collapsible "Mr Crabb Patent" stand), probably good idea to get your stories in sync! ! I would check out what I said earlier so you get your cataloguing right now rather than later. In the olden days when u got a name wrong, you would have to throw out your catalogue cards and rewrite new ones: tho "search and replace" makes it easier today to correct errors! You don't won't to find you are under attack on Mudcat or sometwhere! As far as I can work out it is Patented and probably manufactured by (Monsieur) Busson (and or his Société). So you can just say ...made by Busson, not "Made by Busson Patent[breveté]". Just as you would say made by Hohner (not made by Hohner Patent) This will help with the provenance when you sell it for 55,000 quid at auction! I think I sent you here already - http://www.accordeon.com/index/squ/fr_squ_00_05_05.shtml I have to admit I am not having much luck tracking down the company directly on French Web*, so it must be long gone bust (like Rushworth and Dreaper who sold tinas and all kinds of instruments in Liverpool http://duckduckgo.com/?q=Rushworth+and+Dreaper *But there must be something in the French patent archive: http://www.inpi.fr/fr/outils-transversaux/recherche.html?no_cache=1 Here is more stuff - you will see the museum says this Busson instrument has a slash separating surname from French word for patent. http://finchcocks.co.uk/pages/instruments/instrument.php?number=35 *
  12. Not sorted the quality on converted .MOV into Wmoviemaker to youtube upload yet, but tks to Mark at least something has come through. There is a gap just after the movies finish and still photos start and the sound recording begins at 7 min 46sec with a slow learn by ear playing of Chassepain on flute. more later on issues with the conversion and the rather poor picture quality (this poor showing took me about four or five hours.... http://youtu.be/FBPHEYwg0aw
  13. Talking about battles I was trying to work the maths out in this youtube comment on Al's moanalongue...... "people in their 60's & 70's know a lots of valuable information like WW2 and how things were before we were born johnny Kliewer 1 year ago" (and in the video nor can you see Al's pegleg from Trafalgar...
  14. Dunno what the original historical reason it got called a 'concertina' but the name suggests something like meaning 'a small or little concert', to me. And I can see the appropriateness of it. It's a bit more catchy than the more scientific 'Aerophone', to which musical instrument group this instrument belongs. Chris How far back are we going? Coz everything ain't necessarily what it seems.... Yes, a small concert and as websearch may have shown Wheatstone (allegedly) made that up. Concert of course means to bring together (as you would bring together a bellows in this instance) from the Latin con, "with" (plus the ablative case) which is why when making a comparison you compare WITH not TO (dative case - old Shakeshaft's grammar/syntax in his summer day sonnet comparison being open to question..... which is why the 'Darling bud's of May'TV series with posh Del Boy was all slightly dodgy too!) plus certare which can mean to fight or dispute; and when you add the con to the certare then you bring the disputes into harmony and of course that is what a musical concert is - a bringing into harmony of all the instruments. Well, that might be convincing enough for your sister-in-law! ps You may recall that the Christianitynas had some really bad gigs in the Colosseum... which was made of Con-crete but whether there was any con-nection with con-certare, one is unsure; but the Romans made a tonnes of it by squeezing lot of different bits together.... http://www.buffaloah.com/a/DCTNRY/mat/conc/conc.html
  15. Let us know your landing dates nearer the time
  16. whoops! TUESDAYs NOT Thursdays - sorry following Alan Day and others back in 2004 These folk have survived and grown it seems Yhttp://www.greentrad.org.uk/ www.thelordhood.co.uk LIVE AT THE LORD HOOD PH 300 CREEK ROAD LONDON SE10 9SW ************************** Last year we produced a book of over two hundred tunes that we have played at the session over the past twelve years. Order it from our products page or from Amazon ************************** 2011 but praps things to come for 2013 Burns Night Events (okay - not exactly English, but fun all the same) Tuesday 25th January 2011 Burns' Night Session Music from 9pm Piping and Addressing of the Haggis at 10pm Lord Hood PH Also Thursday 27th January More Live Music and Piping Haggis to be confirmed Pelton Arms, 23-25 Pelton Road, SE10 9PQ 020 8858 0572 Or - if you're closer to Bethnal Green 8pm Tuesday 25th January 2011 Piper and Haggis Dinner The Albion, 94 Goldsmiths Row, London E2 8QY 020 7739 0185 All free entry. All real ale venues. ************************* Tuesday Nights from 9pm Traditional Music Session Free music (and usually food too) *************************** See what else is on at the www.thelordhood.co.uk Please notice that they've got a new web site - the old one is at: Lord Hood. ********************** The above event(s) start at 9pm and are FREE to get in. For further info tel: Helen 020 8858 1836 ************************************************************** Greentrad present an English folk music session every Tuesday night from 9pm Be there, tell all your friends, and even people who are not your friends.
  17. Well, eight years later they are not only going strong in new Pub but I see John Offord our George Inn Fiddler has stuff up on their shop site and there seems to be a very good collection of toons at their greentrad.org.uk
  18. Perhaps this should be in repairs, as it tackles various uses of leather, parfum (a la victorienne, courtesy of that fine leather binder Herr Gutenberg from Mainz, and of course that famous Mrs E(nd) Gasket (of L'Accordiana di Tina) As a proof of how thoroughly we had forgotten that we were in the presence of one who might have sat down to tea with a coronet, instead of a cap, on her head, Mrs Forrester related a curious little fact to Lady Glenmire - an anecdote known to the circle of her intimate friends, but of which even Mrs Jamieson was not aware. It related to some fine old lace, the sole relic of better days, which Lady Glenmire was admiring on Mrs Forrester’s collar. “Yes,” said that lady, “such lace cannot be got now for either love or money; made by the nuns abroad, they tell me. They say that they can’t make it now even there. But perhaps they can, now they’ve passed the Catholic Emancipation Bill. I should not wonder. But, in the meantime, I treasure up my lace very much. I daren’t even trust the washing of it to my maid” (the little charity school-girl I have named before, but who sounded well as “my maid”). “I always wash it myself. And once it had a narrow escape. Of course, your ladyship knows that such lace must never be starched or ironed. Some people wash it in sugar and water, and some in coffee, to make it the right yellow colour; but I myself have a very good receipt for washing it in milk, which stiffens it enough, and gives it a very good creamy colour. Well, ma’am, I had tacked it together (and the beauty of this fine lace is that, when it is wet, it goes into a very little space), and put it to soak in milk, when, unfortunately, I left the room; on my return, I found pussy on the table, looking very like a thief, but gulping very uncomfortably, as if she was half-chocked with something she wanted to swallow and could not. And, would you believe it? At first I pitied her, and said ‘Poor pussy! poor pussy!’ till, all at once, I looked and saw the cup of milk empty - cleaned out! ‘You naughty cat!’ said I, and I believe I was provoked enough to give her a slap, which did no good, but only helped the lace down - just as one slaps a choking child on the back. I could have cried, I was so vexed; but I determined I would not give the lace up without a struggle for it. I hoped the lace might disagree with her, at any rate; but it would have been too much for Job, if he had seen, as I did, that cat come in, quite placid and purring, not a quarter of an hour after, and almost expecting to be stroked. ‘No, pussy!’ said I, ‘if you have any conscience you ought not to expect that!’ And then a thought struck me; and I rang the bell for my maid, and sent her to Mr Hoggins, with my compliments, and would he be kind enough to lend me one of his top-boots for an hour? I did not think there was anything odd in the message; but Jenny said the young men in the surgery laughed as if they would be ill at my wanting a top-boot. When it came, Jenny and I put pussy in, with her forefeet straight down, so that they were fastened, and could not scratch, and we gave her a teaspoonful of current-jelly in which (your ladyship must excuse me) I had mixed some tartar emetic. I shall never forget how anxious I was for the next half-hour. I took pussy to my own room, and spread a clean towel on the floor. I could have kissed her when she returned the lace to sight, very much as it had gone down. Jenny had boiling water ready, and we soaked it and soaked it, and spread it on a lavender-bush in the sun before I could touch it again, even to put it in milk. But now your ladyship would never guess that it had been in pussy’s inside.”[/size][/font][/font] The “Reise ins Heilige Land” by Bernhard von Breydenbach, printed in Mainz in 1486, ... This woodcut, folded like a concertina, was printed from several formes; the paper had to be stuck together to fit the wide format of the picture.[/size]
  19. First Sunday lunchtime every month at The Horseshoe Inn, 26 Melior Street, London SE1 3QP. We have flutes, concertina, whisltes, guitars, mandolin, button accordion etc. Visitors very welcome. mustrad.org.uk/sess_txt.htm good Mongolian momos (six or so sizeable, tasty,meat dumplings)and reasonably priced (I think 5.70 or 5.90) and I say that as someone who rarely compliments pubs on their food or prices! a batch of beer was off last month but as soon as someone pointed it out they put a fresh barrel on and gave those affected fresh pintS - very good.
  20. Fantastic - and only 5,550 ()!! Will we get to see it at the George? - our player of an INdian harmonium, he came a few times, seems to be stuck in Brighton...........
  21. QUICKTIME JAck - I know there are many curses/ers on/about Windows Movie Maker, but it works simply enough to put stuff up on youtube, and that is what InsightandMind has got used to and only needs it for. not too worried about fade=ins etc etc. Just to cut out the crap so folk can listen and watch. But it does not seem to accept Quicktime files if they are supposed to be common not Maconly- at least when you open WMM and try to drag stored video file across to upload area, nothing happens - does that mean it can handle them or not do you think? This is why oneself is fully frustrated, failing to find a facet to fix files of your flying, fulsome, fluting forays from Whitby into fruition for freereed folk fully to feel flautist's fancy fingering on Youtube (phwoar, ran out of Fs!)
  22. Dank u wel meneer! Will try. Yes, Mark - did the same thing! My computer whiz was shocked to see old VLC on ASUS EEEPC 1000H and immediately put new one on - mid Aug. I had found the old VLC could not handle new HD files - visuals were jumping, tho sound ok. new was awful and much worse so I have now deleted all VLC off system after trying several fresh installs. I did not have the VLC (old version) problem with video files from Canon G7 and G9 video which shot at lower res. It is the Canon G1X and the Canon 7D which would not work with new VLC. Their video files, are also so big that often the 'older' ( along with less powerful PC cannot keep up, hence jumping).
  23. ?? Did something drop after the edit Peter? tks
  24. Size isn't everything! - you should have seen how tiny Geoff's was when he showed it off round the back of the stables at Bradfield three years ago! There might even be a photo on here somewhere...
  25. Should be the Horseshoe behind Shard at London Bridge this Sunday Oct 7 2012 from 1200 t0 1500.. just going to ask the Drinkwater on events......... There were about 10 players last month. incl various instruments etc.
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