From reading the comments on that thread, the third version of the tune is a transcription of Mairead ni Mhaonaigh playing it in the enclosed video. The key is wrong in the ABC, but apart from that the transcription is ok.
Fearfeasog: I went to a teacher (whose qualifications are sterling), told her that I was struggling with the key of A major, and was given a version of Joe Cassidy's similar to this one: That took a lot of time to get right, but my high G# was much steadier in all other tunes after that. Today they are flowing nicely (I play Jeffries layout and would use a pull A on the G-row with the G# (middle finger / ring finger)).
I find deciding which A to use with my LHS G# more of a challenge. So my tip (as other contributors)is to give the hard parts a lot of mileage. If you can learn to alternate between pull A and push A with the G# on the RHS, well, you can do both, and will have more room to roam. Good luck!