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Posts posted by bargemans

  1. Marcus G/D Concertina for sale. 
    30 button with an air button on either end. 
    I’m selling for a deceased friend and melodeon player who always wanted to play concertina but never got round to. 
    It was bought new from Marcus and is virtually unused. 
    I’m trying to get the best price for his widow and have been advised that it’s worth £1800ish. 
    move just checked out the Marcus site. It looks like a standard model so the new price is £1825. 
    i guess £1500 is a more realistic second-hand price. 
    There has been no interest on the forum so far so I’m going to list on eBay. 
    I’m still open to sensible offers before it goes on eBay. 
    It is located on The Isle of Wight but postage isn’t a problem. 
    I have pictures etc and can answer any questions by email or by phone if requested. 


  2. Sorry to see that you're selling your Jeffries Andrew.

    I hope the sale goes well for you, it should do....it looks a very fine instrument.


    Its a lovely concertina.

    The problem is I'm used to playing with a Wheastone button layout

    which I have on my Dippers and this one of course, has the standard Jeffries system.

    I could have it changed of course but this seems sacraligeous especially considering the original reeds etc. Andrew

  3. Hi, Having been listening to Roger Edwards playing his Bb/F concertina on the Anglo International CD , I have an overpowering desire to own one. Has anybody one for sale or as a trade. I have a D/G Jeffries or a C/G Conner or even a D/G Dipper which I might be persuaded to trade. I'm only looking for a top qulity instrument from on of the premier makers. Many thanks, Andy

  4. The Conner concertina arrived Wednesday morning. Its in almost unused condition and is fast and responsive with a strong tone. Pat and Ronan in County Clare were a pleasure to deal with. I am very pleased and am slightly puzzled by the thread urging caution. Is it just that concertina buyers are a cautious and distrustful lot? Andy

  5. Hi All

    I am aware that I need a midi synthesizer as well as the concertina but this seems a small price to pay for matrimonial harmony. My prefered practise position is horizontal on the sofa in front of the TV so you can imagin the annoyance caused by even gentle playing whilst Eastenders is on. Earplugs for the wife wouldn't solve the problem and the suggestion would probably cause instant divorce and anyway would be no fun, we all love new toys

    I'm located on The Isle of Wight in the southern UK. Andy

  6. Hi everyone, I'm looking for a midi anglo concertina. I'm fed up getting cold stares from the other half whilst practising on my dipper and need something "quiet" to maintain matrimonial harmony. If anybody has one for sale I would be very interested. Please contact Andy on 07880 553 087 or bargemans@btconnect.com

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