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Mike Eichner

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  1. The situation with scamming is worse than you imagine. I had an ID cancelled by ebay last year and it took 4 months of increasingly angry emails to ebay fraud department to find out why. Eventually I got the explanation that my ebay ID had been Hi-jacked by someone and had been used to sell stuff fraudulently. The seller wanted my feedback rating, (100%). Apparently there is some software out there that can monitor your keyboard strokes and discover your password. I now have a new ebay ID and started from scratch with a 0 feedback. To reduce the chance of this happening they recommend changing your password once a month!!! Ebay wouldn't tell me what products my old ID was used for but this whole episode left a very bad taste. I guess this is not a scam ebay wants people to know about. Mike
  2. I have just posted a for sale auction for my Wheatstone Baritone concertina with some interesting letters attached. Ebay auction number 3724744010. Mike
  3. Jim, I'm getting the same message. Please let me know if you find a way of fixing the problem as I would also like to hear this stuff. Thanks, Mike
  4. Update - the concertina auction just ended on eBay - Sale Price £2550, Mike
  5. I am looking for a 30 key anglo. Can you send me pictures. Thanks, Mike
  6. Jim, I am no good at this sort of thing, but it seems the file is over 300 kb so maybe thats the problem. Can you tell me how to reduce it. Thanks, Mike
  7. I'm selling the concertina on ebay but thought someone might find this info interesting - or is there another place to put it? Now lets see if I can get these pictures to download.... bugger!!! how do I get a photo from My Pics to here?
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