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Dave Prebble

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Everything posted by Dave Prebble

  1. Hi Frank, I agree with your comments fully. The reeds are the biggest factor while the type of timber used will have subtle but noticeable effects. What a pleasure to be able to post such comments without being demanded to test, measure and 'proove' everything Thinking on the word 'tonewood' - this term is also used to describe spruce employed in making fiddle tops. Many early concertinas used very thin spruce baffles and I just wonder if the replacement of these with say a leather baffle would have any noticeable 'material related' effects. Regards Dave
  2. Hi, If I had waited till I could read music before I bought my first concertina, I would still have been waiting today ..... 30 years later Trust your ears and you will soon be playing without written music. Learning to read music is of course a fine thing (though try as I may I cannot manage it) but please do not let this become a barrier to getting started. Dave
  3. I simply could not manage to fit in that last pie Al - you was lucky me 'ole young un' I was most relieved to find that one of the dogs, a monumentally built Staffordshire Bull Terrier had either forgotten or forgiven the fact that I accidentaly stood (with my not inconsiderable bulk) on his tail at a session there a week or two back - Phew! The dogs were probably looking to you for protection Dave
  4. Hello to everyone. Having now somewhat recovered from the over-indulgences of music food and...yes....beer,at the Bradfield Traditional Music Weekend, I feel ready to pen a few lines. First and foremost a huge vote of thanks to Mark and Joan for their superb hospitality in hosting the event and for all the hard work entailed in the organisation of the weekend. This was the third such weekend, an idea Mark conceived after the immensely successful English Country Music Weekend held at his farm. Year-on-year It just gets better and better ! Even the horizontal gale driven rain could not quell the spirits once folks employed the trick of keeping the inside of the body as well lubricated as the outside. It is all too easy to forget that the guests at this event do not receive any fee or travel expenses, only a contribution towards their accommodation. Their time, gifts and skills are given freely and in most generous measure and all of us who attended are most grateful for that. It can only be that our guests consider this weekend almost as a holiday from their usual hectic schedules, during which time, they can relax and enjoy their passion for music and song in the company of like-minded friends. I won't try to list you all Guys - I am simply not prepared to risk forgetting someone ! We know who you are - you know who you are - so please accept our heartfelt thanks to you all !! The atmosphere generated in the pub music sessions cannot possibly be conveyed in mere words - you really do have to be there to comprehend it. We were treated to a huge variety of tunes from many countries and ranging from mournful slow airs to manic reels and hornpipes (and a few that were way beyond any musical classification) and all performed in as many different styles of concertina playing as there were players. As ever, there was a mouth-watering array of concertinas of many makes, with special interest this year being shown in the superb concertina made, and so nicely played by, Henrik Müller. Concertina swapping was rife in the sessions - It was a bit like 'pass the parcel' at times....every time the music stopped.... In true laid back Irish style, Shay Fogarty beat all the air travel problems by leaving his box at home in Dublin. "Sure, won't there be enough concertinas there already for me to play.... ?" Geoff Crabb's Informative, enlightening and entertaining talks on reed and spring making, tuning and fret cutting were much appreciated by all. Many 'concertina mysteries' were dispelled by his practical demonstrations and his unique delivery.... a combination of words and semaphore. On behalf of us all - Cheers Geoff ! He spent the rest of his weekend nervously running about trying to hide his "Jubilee Concertina" to keep it safe from my avaricious grasp ) A special vote of thanks to Piper's Share who were not only mainstays in the tune sessions, but also played (to great acclaim I might add) the Saturday Night Ceilidh. Lovely music from the friendliest folks you could ever wish to meet. Last but not least, to everyone who came to the weekend my personal thanks to you all. It is meeting and playing with all of you folks that always makes this weekend so special for me. Till next year then ........ Regards to all Dave Prebble Edit - tried to make it more readable ....but probably failed
  5. Great news Alan - Save me a Barrel Dave
  6. Nice practical carry case though dave
  7. Don't be sorry Jake - you have done me a good service Dave
  8. There is a Scottish band called ' Ceilidh Minogue ' i believe dave
  9. Well Spotted Jake ! Thanks for the information Recording technology has come on quite remarkably in the last hundred years! Dave
  10. You will be in safe hands with Bob Tedrow. You could start a tradition - Real Concertinas at sea All the best in your quest and happy squeezin' Dave
  11. There is ! But I will say no more as i hear the lynching party approaching Dave
  12. Hi Geoff, great idea but I'm afraid I'm going to pop a couple of myths. Firstly, tacky films and even tackier advertising excepted, there is very little evidence to connect the concertina to seafaring and secondly, seawater will have just as devastating effect on brass reeds as on steel. Great idea, great instrument but you will need some serious waterproofing Save the concertina for the port and go for a tin whistle onboard ? Dave
  13. Go for it Gal - make the b*ggers have some culture ! Dave
  14. Good to see you back Geoff.... with or without accordion Dave P
  15. Quality instruments will always demand top dollar in a restricted market. Even 28 years ago when I bought my first Jeffries, this cost me over 6 weeks take-home pay and involved a heck of a lot of sacrifices ! It was not a decision taken lightly I can tell you. You have got to be fully committed - if you do not recognise and appreciate the difference in quality or cannot clearly see the life long benefits to you of owning and playing such an instrument, then it is obviously not for you. There are intermediate vintage concertinas and an increasing range of new instruments available. The instrument you end up with is as much a measure of your determination to own it as the depth of your pocket. Don't expect much in the way of support here when you start knocking those folks who are prepared to make big sacrifices for a top quality instrument that will give them a lifetime of joy before being passed on to the next generation. Obscene ? I reserve that word for someone paying the equivalent of ten Jeffries' for a three ton, 4 wheel drive, 4.9 litre engine, gas guzzling 'Chelsea Tractor' to take the kids to school in ....... Dave
  16. Hi Nick, Plastic Coating will give you a good and very durable finish...... A few tips.... It can look a bit too high gloss and 'plasticy' but if you leave it for a few days till it is really well cured, you can get a great matt finish by gently cutting it back with a wad of 0000 grade wire wool lubricated with some soft wax. I would suggest that you cut the polish by about 10% with thinners and apply in thin coats. Leave each coat to dry and cut back with a very fine 'wet or dry' carborundun paper ( I would use 600 or 800 grade) in between coats. Aim for a consistent but reasonably thin finish. A really thick coating will tend to feel plasticy and just looks 'wrong' Do not leave too long between coats or it has a tendency for subsequent coats to peel after a while. I seem to remember around 2 - 3 hours max but see the instructions on the pack. Hope this is of help Dave
  17. Hi all, Just called into the hospital to see Geoff who is in good spirits, progressing well and hoping to be let out on thursday. (Busy listening to concertina music on his walkman I might add) Managed to get a word with the Consultant Surgeon who, for a substantial 'backhander' has agreed to limit Geoff to the Anglo and prohibit him from 'Accordion Wrestling' for the foreseeable future Wishing him a speedy recovery Dave
  18. What time is the "evening tune-up"? If my hosts aren't already mobilized toward some other pub I'll try to influence the group to go by there so I can see some concertinas! Hi, I don't know for sure but I would suggest that about 7:30 to 8pm would be likely to fit the bill. Should you end up at the Stag, it is only a very short walk to the Standard to check things out Look forward to seeing you there Dave
  19. Hi Folks, It looks odds on that I will be able to make it to the session this coming Friday night...en route from Yorkshire to Dorset Looking forward to meeting a few good mates from my old 'stamping ground' The word seems to be that the Friday evening tune-up is most likely to be in the Royal Standard Hope to see you there Dave (I will be the 20 stone of animated ugliness wielding the Jeffries G/D )
  20. Hi Folks I was re-assembling a concertina yesterday while chatting to a friend and was waxing the threads prior to insertion when he asked 'what are you doing there?' It had never occurred to me that this might be a new 'trick' for some people as I have done it automatically for so many years on woodscrews bolts and the like in furniture and instrument restoration. Waxing the threads on endbolts or screws makes it so much easier to insert and remove and goes a long way to prevent future corrosion. This reduced the likelihood of wrecked slots, stripped threads, snapped bolts and damage to woodwork and finishes. It is so simple to do. First, Clean the bolt threads and shank with a fine wire brush,. i use a suede leather brush. Next, draw the thread across piece of candle or beeswax whilst rotating it slightly. This will scrape up a little flaky wax into the thread and leave a small amount of wax on the shank. Lastly, and here is the 'trick' that many may not know, .... pass the bolt through a lighter or match flame. No need to dwell in the flame as the wax melts instantaneously and spreads to leave a fine coating over the whole of the thread. No Flaky bits to fall off when the bolt is inserted and no excess 'crud' to build up round the entry point. Give it a try for yourselves on one of the bolts and then compare to inserting and removing a bolt that has not been treated. Hope this is of use to you Dave
  21. Hi, If you know the title or better can If you can writea section of the tune in .abc format, you can search on this searchengine/tunefinder site http://trillian.mit.edu/~jc/cgi/abc/tunefind A great resource and you can download music files here in several formats including midi files Dave
  22. Can this instrument be saved ? Give it to me - I'll save it ! ..... ..... for ever and ever and ever Dave
  23. Looks pretty standard Jones to me. Don't envy anyone the task of shifting those end bolts. I suspect they may well snap under little pressure. Another thought - that much rust might hint at possible significant rusting to the reeds Dave
  24. Well (if anyone is taking notes), on the way in, it would have to be "Lichfield Tattoo", which I learned from Flos Headford, at Sidmouth, many years ago. I've had a lot of fun with this tune, and remember playing this, with Flos ..... It should come with a health warning "Don't try this when sober!". Peter. Point of order Mr Chairman ! 'Being sober' and playing tunes with 'Flos Headford' do not belong in the same sentence I'm thinking about what tunes I would play - spoilt for choice - still, I hope to have another 49 years to make up my mind Dave
  25. Hi Peter, The major advantage of a Bb / F box in an English music session is that, once in a while, you get to play an uninterrupted solo piece without getting swamped by melodions and other various instruments of torture. If it is also in old pitch and unequal temperament tuning you have the floor to yourself. (always assuming you have had the foresight to break the fingers of any budding bodhran players ) Dave
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