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Everything posted by Animaterra

  1. Mighty fine for someone who's never played a concertina before!
  2. Great site, Dan! I look forward to perusing it at my leisure!
  3. Alas, it looks as though I may not make it this year- and here I was looking forward to introducing you all to my new Main Squeeze! But he and I will be following the Jack in the Green morris men wherever they may lead us, and I'm fairly certain that's the day they need us. And I'll tell y'all later what he and I have planned that's going to keep us from this year's NESI...
  4. Victor Hugo: "La musique exprime ce qui ne peut être dit et sur quoi il est impossible de rester silencieux." "Music expresses what cannot be put into words and yet cannot remain unsaid" "La musique, c’est du bruit qui pense." "Music, it's noise that thinks"
  5. Wow, Al, this sounds fantastic! I know some of the players and can assure any remaining doubters that this is likely to be a "must have" collection. I can't wait!
  6. What a dynamic duo! Thanks for the photo, Jim!
  7. Well, actually, that must be a photo taken in the mirror! Although I am indeed a leftie, I have been playing the thing in the traditional manner. And I must confess, I'm having fun! Between my struggles with concertina and piano, this seems to draw on my strengths with each. Peut-être plus tard, Mark! For now, it's mostly simple contra dance and morris melodies in s-l-o-w m-o. Laissez-les bon temps rouller!
  8. Congratulations, polkabeast! I have to say I don't think your infidelity is as nefarious as mine:
  9. It's adorable! I've never used this one, but I had a 30-key C/G Marcus for awhile that was a sweet little instrument. Marcus is a good maker.
  10. Hi, Helen! Welcome back! Me, I'm mostly lurking these days. Busy, busy, busy. I'm not sure I remember my first time playing in public. It must have been the Harrisville Morris Women's season of 2004...
  11. I like it, Jody! A tune name isn't springing to mind, though...
  12. Good for you! My first was Silent Night, just 4 years ago. Took me this long to play at my first contra dance on Boxing Day this year- still mostly chords and backup, but it still thrilled me!
  13. What a wonderful event! It sounds just lovely! Happy new year, everyone! (Great to see you here, Henk!)
  14. Jim, din'cha see my reply above?? I also "bought" a sheep thru Heifer Project www.Heifer.org which I try to do each year. This was the "big gift" for my whole family.
  15. A joyful season to you all! I'm having one of the happiest ever
  16. Well, Randy, I didn't get anything concertina related (only this Macbook Pro...) but I GAVE a 1941 version of The Maritime History of Massachusetts by Samuel Eliot Morison to my beloved and read him a certain passage aloud. I got hugs, misty eyes, and a great deal of appreciation and gratitude in return. Anyone who was at this year's NESI will remember the passage in question, recited at the Saturday concert by our own Fiddlerjoebob. Magnificent!
  17. I find that much of the anglo song accompaniment I do creates harmonic voices much the way I arrange choral music- rather than octaves or "boom-chick" chords, I have my fingers sing along in thirds, fifths, etc., with little diddly bits at ends of phrases, or over long-held notes in the melody. It's still very much a work in progress, but I mostly subscribe to the K.I.S.S. principle...
  18. Wow- what a guy! His book got me started on anglo and I was sorry to hear he had moved on- but now I can see why! I recently saw Tango Buenos Aires perform, and could barely watch the dancers, I couldn't take my eyes off the bandoneon! Not for me, but more power to Bertram. Thanks for the link, Jim!
  19. Eeek! I never thought I'd support Little Debbie, but I might have to make an exception!
  20. Jody, that is just adorable! She looks just like one of my students!!
  21. I discovered lovely Lisdoonvarna this past July. Wish I could be there now! Best wishes on the launch!
  22. David, that looks truly temptingly wonderful! What, no bunnies?? I hope your trip is being wonderful as well!
  23. Yes, very lovely! And not to contradict you, Al, but I quite like the reverb! Allison
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