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Everything posted by Animaterra

  1. Wish I could be there this weekend with you all! But this is also my big concert weekend for my chorus, as well as Moving the Son Into His Apartment weekend. I'm thinking of you all, and wish you all the best, especially as you gather tomorrow to remember Rich.
  2. Thanks for that tune, David. I'd forgotten that Rich had written it! Our team uses a different tune for "3 Musketeers" (Campbell's Farewell to Redgap) but other local teams use this one.
  3. I haven't been on C-net for awhile, but I just got this email from my dear friend Carol Compton who works at CDSS: "For those who had any reason to know Rich Morse, builder of concertinas, owner of The Button Box - he had been recently diagnosed with quite advanced cancer and died last night - at home. Another tough loss for the morris community." I am surprised to see nothing here, and I don't have regular access to internet these days, but I wanted to come straight to this fine community and share my sadness at the loss of a wonderful man.
  4. I haven't been around much lately, but I wish all my C-net friends a very happy 2009! Allison (goofing off with her new husband)
  5. It sounds as though a wonderful time was had by all! Someday I'll get back there! This year I was a bit... busy. But next year....
  6. Wonderful story, Mark! You have a way of bringing us along with you.
  7. Arrr! At me wedding rehearsal dinner, at the bonfire afterwards, I celebrated TLAPD by singing You Can't Be a Pirate ! I don't know who is on the video (Don Freed?) but my women's morris team ROCKS when we sing it in multi-part harmony!
  8. I'm off to my wedding trip, cycling on Cape Cod, but this ought to keep you happy until then: A few wedding photos You may now call me "Mrs. Animaterra!"
  9. Congratulations, Tamborileru! That takes courage!
  10. I feel as though I kind of derailed the point of this thread with my little announcement, so I'll try to do my part to keep it on topic. Things I Will Miss at NESI 2008: ~Waking to the sounds of several different groups of concertinists and accordion players jamming here and there. ~Falling asleep to the sounds of several different groups of concertinists and accordion players jamming here and there. ~ Standing on the porch at registration time and greeting folks I only see at Bucksteep. ~Standing in line at meal time and engaging in conversations with folks I haven't met yet. ~When everyone huddles in the main room and the "bar" on the rainy days. ~ The new tradition for the ladies of "dressing up" for Saturday night dinner and concert (keep it up, ladies!). ~ The magic of the procession to the barn for the Saturday night concert ~ The incredible generosity and kindness of amazingly accomplished musicians towards those of us who can only stand in their shadow and hope that someday.... ~ The beauty of the region ~ The deer antlers in the bar ~ The museum of oddities and the private instruments/books/etc. for sale ~ The camaradarie, the warmth, the fun, the group energy, all of it! Anyone else?
  11. Thanks for the good wishes, all. No, Chris, my Main Squeeze is an actual human, who plays guitar, banjo, mandolin and fiddle, and loves to play around with me (oops, did that come out the way I meant it to? And yes, we want to come together to NESI in the future. And now that I have a PA as well, there's all sorts of squeezing I can do!
  12. I am so terribly sorry to be missing NESI this year. It truly is a highlight of the year for me. Wonderful folks, good food, great music, beautiful surroundings- it's a shame not to be there. BUT On Sept. 20, 2008, I am going to get married to my main squeeze! It's his birthday, so it seemed an auspicious date. But shucks, we'll miss y'all. Maybe we'll celebrate our anniversary at NESI 2009!
  13. Happy moving, Rhomylly! I hope you'll have plenty of opportunities to squeeze! It sounds like a much more... well, your kind of locale . Best wishes!
  14. Hi, Pamela! I met you in your shop in Western NC just last week! Good luck in your search for straps! We'll be in touch, I'm sure
  15. Very, very cool, Jody! Wish I coulda been there! Are there going to be any videos posted of Orion in York? They are amazing!
  16. Congratulation your daughter's wedding, Wendy! At my own upcoming wedding we will sing Wild Mountain Thyme, which is sweet and simple on concertina.
  17. Peter, what a beautiful tribute to a wonderful woman. Love and comfort to you and all who were touched by her music and her presence.
  18. Stephen, i'm somewhat comforted- in fact, I did think it was a mold. And I contacted the seller, who wanted at least $375, which I wouln'ta spent anyway. One rabbit, two rabbits, I don't have any rabbits- but I'm still enjoying bliss in the country!
  19. Dunno when I'll get back to Seattle, as my dad's not fit for visitors just now, but I hope to get there and be able to play with you all someday! (How are you doing, Bruce?)
  20. Alas, a NESI friend alerted me to this Ebay item for sale: Concertina Bunny Mold But alas, whenever I try to bid, it tells me "reserve not met". I'm not willing to go all out for a candy mold, much as I identify with it in so many ways, so as I am a gentleman and a scholar I offer it to you, with sadness and perhaps a fleeting hope that the winner will let me visit it someday!
  21. Well, I'll only be there Saturday, but look for me at 10 with Animaterra, noon with the Harrisville Morris women, or 3 with Jack in the Green morris.
  22. My Animaterra program is Saturday at 10 a.m. and my morris team, the Harrisville Morris Women, will be Sat. at noon. I'll look for CNetters here and there. I hope the weather is as lovely as last year. I really look forward to seeing y'all!
  23. Lovely- and fitting, as I awoke this morning to the sound of a robin (No. American, which is a kind of thrush!), singing in panic at the newly-fallen April snow.
  24. Wow, Wendy- what an accomplishment! I like the tune, too!
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