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Everything posted by Animaterra

  1. This one's serial # is right next to the one I had before I got my Jeffries. If my deaar Jeff hadn't come along, I would have been perfectly happy with the Marcus forever- it has a sweet, strong tone, handles well, and is a pleasure to use.
  2. Good for you for trying! It must be so frustrating- much harder than when you first were learning. But keep at it, and know that we're rooting and cheering for you all over the globe! (three cheers!
  3. I'd love to do Sidmouth as well- we'll see what my daughter and the itinerary permits!
  4. This sounds wonderful!! I guess it's time to go public and announce that my daughter and I will be in the UK from approximately 24-July to early August. We had not yet determined our return date, but this could possibly give us a happy ending to our trip! Allison
  5. Hi, Tom! I'm going to do my best to get to the Celtic singaround- it's right after my morris stand, so I'll look funny (but I'll remove the bells first!)
  6. Beautiful spring weather here for Easter Sunday, despite the foot of snow still on my lawn! I was so busy with friends and relations that I never even turned on the computer! But the season lasts for awhile, so Happy Easter to all!
  7. Nanette, it's good to see you back. It's really hard to get back into taking care of everyday life when you've been so ill. Give yourself time, try to be patient with yourself. If there are nearby friends who say, "what can I do?" try to think of that annoying errand or chore that they could do- it will ease your mind and make you feel cared for, and make them feel that they're helping. I haven't been really ill in a long time (knock wood) but I've been in the pits for other reasons and give my advice from that perspective. Hang in there! Meanwhile, stick around here for the friendship, and listen to good music even when the attempt to play is frustrating!
  8. Greg, I seem to recall that at the Button Box at least some of what you pay for rental can apply towards the purchase. And it's not money wasted if you're figuring out the instrument of your dreams! (this is me dreaming happy concertina dreams!)
  9. Greg, it's been said many times elsewhere on this site, but don't forget the Button Box (look for their links all over CNet). They have a decent rental policy- you could try one style for a few months, then either switch and try another or stick with what you've begun. And they ship, and they're prompt, and they're great to work with!
  10. Wow, Becky! I tend to be rather proud of my chocolate cake abilities, but you leave me in awe. What a beauty! And how did it taste??
  11. I've been enjoying this one, it's true! Such a fount of information, fellas- thanks! The jig in question is from the Joyce collection: Sheep Shearers, or Next Oars- hardly a well-known chestnut in the repertwah, hence my query. It'll be played as part of my NEFFA set. My harpist called me at 6:30 yesterday morning in a panic: "How fast is this thing supposed to be???" I said- for now, as fast as the slowest of us can play it easily and well! Which isn't all that fast, kind of an easy lope. Kinda like Jim's description of a "soft shoe" dance- I can't tell you how happy that description made me, Jim!! Perhaps not quite fast enough for dancers, but probably fast enough for a NEFFA concert at 10 am!! But don't let this stop the discussion! I'll just sit back with my arms folded behind my head and my feet up, and enjoy the pub punch!
  12. Mark!! How totally way cool! Yes, please do introduce yerself! Anyone else?
  13. What's the proper tempo for a slip jig?
  14. My duo partner and I will be giving a performance on ancient Irish music featuring tunes from the collections of Bunting, Petrie, and Joyce, at 10 am on Saturday. We're using the name Seanma. Melanie plays harp, I'll be mostly playing my Jeffries and the occasional tenor recorder (just couldn't get my fingers around the low D whistle!) Anyone else going to NEFFA? My women's chorus, Animaterra, will also be singing Sat. at 1 pm. And my morris team will be dancing at 4 pm. I don't know why everyone tells me I do too much!!!
  15. At school we've been listening to my Noel Hill and Tony Linman cd all day as part of the music classes I teach. Been singing "Rattlin' Bog" and "I'll tell me ma" just enough times that I'm ready for a break! Tonight, I'm going to celebrate in a traditional Irish hot tub with my traditional morris dancing woman friends- we're having green salad, limeade, and chocolate fondue with grapes, granny smith apples, and star fruit! But that's as far as I'm taking this day. I'm sure I'll give the Jeffries a squeeze at some point- though not in the hot tub!
  16. Thsi looks fantastic, Alan! I can't wait till it comes out!
  17. Thanks for the updates, Chris. Keeping Nanatte in my thoughts.
  18. Alas, I spent the weekend spending time away from the computer, so missed this entirely! Birthdays are meant to last at least a week, so I wish you the continuation of a happy one, and many more! We live so close, globally speaking, that we're sure to meet sometime in the not-too-distant future! All the best, Allison
  19. Gee, mikebmcnamara, I was taught that a reel goes: HUMP-ty-DUMP-ty-HUMP-ty-DUMP-ty I did learn the Jiggity Jiggity but with different spelling. Guess it's a matter of semantics, or something. You say to-MAY-to, I say to-MAH-to, you say Black and Decker, I say Humpty Dumpty. Let's call the whole thing "oeuf"!
  20. I thought you meant Ohio, too! I've heard lovely things about Old Hampshire- but do they have snow? Just a little? I would be happy with about a month of snow, from approximately 23 December to the end of January. Then I'm done with snow!
  21. Oh, bigsqueezergeezer that's not fair! Don't gloat like that! I do love it here in NH, except in March and early April! We got lambs but no daffs- and the ones for sale in the grocery store are labeled, "Product of UK!" (daffs I mean, not lambs!)
  22. Where are you, S? If you put the word "midi" in the search function above, you'll find lots of threads with the word If you go to the Teaching and Learning or the Tunes/Songs discussions (just click on "Discussion Forums" above) you'll find all sorts of references to sites where you can listen and play along. The Recorded Tune Links page is one fine example. Good luck! Allison
  23. Oh, my ideal situation- it's been so fun reading about yours that I haven't done much more than think about mine. Fortunately, I have most of my ideals right here. I play in a duo, which sometimes expands to trio, quartet, and beyond . The two of us play anglo concertina and harp, which is a combination made in heaven. Just now we're working on a set for NEFFA on the collected music of Bunting, Petrie and Joyce, aka ancient Irish music. We also play English country dance, and anything else that suits our fancy We sometimes add recorder, and sometimes I manage to put down the 'tina and create a recorder duet along with the harp. We've been known to add guitar, with the tina and harp and tenor recorder creating a lush and rich variety and texture. On very rare occasions a standup bass player strolls by and gives us that ground sound. To top it off- we're all confident and experienced SINGERS so the harmonies are otherworldly. Hard to achieve with the duo, so my ideal situation is when we're all able to find the time to work together.
  24. Wonderful photo, Rod- and it sounds like a great trip! Good to see your adoring fans! Oh, and, welcome back. Tell us more about Antarctica!
  25. Argh! This rotten weather along with home-front duties will probably keep me from any kind of meet-up this week. Sorry to miss seeing you, Ken! I hope you're having a fruitful break, in any case!
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