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Daniel Bradbury

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Posts posted by Daniel Bradbury

  1. Hello Jon,


    You seem to have a good idea of what you would like to play. Now is probably a good time to pick up a few of the instruments and give them a try. Depending on where you are in the UK, there are dealers who will be very helpful as you try out both English and Anglo concertina, to see which feels a more comfortable for you. I am sure many here can make recommendations. Another good bet would be to attend one or more concertina gatherings or festivals, talking with players and dealers that might be attending. Again, I am sure that a number of members here can give you recommendations.


    Also consider the duet system. You might find it has it's advantages also.


    Good Luck!

  2. Hello Ro n,


    Don't think of it as a new method of reading, it is a method of digitally representing the music for efficient digital storage and file transfer. Any ABC file is easily converted to standard notation if you use one of the free ABC programs out there. Easy ABC works quite well, although each of us has our own pet programs. There used to be a wonderful converter here until it became a real problem with spammers and other hackers.



  3. Hello Ron,


    I agree with Bruce's assessment. The mid-grade instruments will have the basically the same set-up of the Stagi on the two rows with only minor variations. The difference generally lies on the third row. The most common set up choices are the Wheatstone layout and the Jefferies layout. As far as I am concerned the choice between the two layouts is insignificant as far as one being better than the other, more a matter of preference, or in the case of most of us dictated by the instrument we actually purchased. Keep doing your homework. Try to find players in your area and discuss their preferences. Best of all is to attend some workshop where players gather and see the various instruments for yourself. It is a considerable investment, take your time.



  4. Hello Rob, Andrew and Mike,


    I have contact with another member of Squeeze East and it looks exactly like the type of thing I am interested in. I look forward to meeting all of you!


    To all who have replied, I appreciate the leads.



  5. Well, at long last I am finally retiring and we are in our final preparations to relocate to England, most likely the end of February. We have decided on Norwich as our retirement location. Some on the forum already know of our plans, but I would love to be in contact with concertina players in East Anglia. Having played Irish, French, and American old-time music on the concertina and banjo for the past 40 years, I am now especially looking forward to exploring the English music tradition while continuing to play the music I know. Any suggestions folks may have will be welcome.



  6. Welcome Angie,


    You won't go wrong with a concertina from Greg.


    I suggest you don't force yourself to a specific length of daily practice, but strive to play a bit each day as is comfortable. Play as long as is comfortable, but play some every day.


    You will soon be playing some fine music. Good luck!



  7. I have a collection of old Concertina and Squeezebox Magazines I will be happy to pass on for the cost of postage. I got these a number of years ago in the same manner and now look to pass them on. I am in Florida.


    They include: Vol. 1 Nos. 1-4, Vol. 2 nos. 1-4. Plus the later editions # 16, and editions 18/19 through 32.


    Let me know asap and I will get them in the mail. You can PM me if you prefer. First come - First served.



  8. Hello Ron,


    If you are looking to hear some jigs and reels, go to Florence Fahy's website concertinachick.com .

    Under the tunes section she puts in a tune each month. They are all wonderful tunes. She plays them through slowly and very cleanly, as well as up to speed.


    She is a fantastic teacher, who gives lessons and workshops. Her skype lessons are also very good. I can't recommend highly enough.


    Here is a direct link to the tunes page.





  9. One of the problems can be bellows control. You could be letting your bellows become too extended or contracted before you try to adjust air. You might need to take smaller breaths of air more often and/or find alternate fingerings of certain notes to reverse the airflow. Bellows control is an entire discipline in itself. But don't despair, we are all constantly working on it.

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