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Posts posted by Pete Dunk
Hello Graham,
As the author of the ' Something For The Weekend' thread I feel I owe you an explanation. The tunes in this thread are written in a text based language called abc. You should be aware straight away that you do not need to understand or be able to use the abc language to take full advantage of the abc files you see on this or any other site.
Copying and pasting the text files into an online converter will provide you with either written notation or a midi music file to listen to.
As it happens it is way past my bedtime so I'll pick this up again tomorrow if another kind soul hasn't already done so.
All of the symbols in the text work out in a logical way but you don't need to learn anything at all about abc in order to turn it into standard notation. If you do want to learn to use abc that is simple too!
Every once in a while a stunning tune comes along and I think Washington Square Park is one such. Here's a youtube video that starts at the end of the A music so wait for it to come around to the top again -
then pick a key (original was in E) and play it!X:55
T:Washington Square Park
C:Angus Lyon and Ruaridh Campbell
z6 c2BGFE|:F2G2 E2B,2 B,CE2|F2E2 E2B,2 B,CE2|A2G2 B2G2 F2E2|F2FG E2c2 BGFE|
F2G2 E2B,2 B,CE2|F2E2 E2B,2 B,CE2|c2B2 B2G2 F2E2|1E6 c2BGFE:|]2E6 B2Bcef|
g2e2 f2e2 Bcef|b2e2 f2e2 Bcef|=g2e2 e2=d2 d2B2|A2=d2 B2A2 Bcef|
g2e2 f2e2 Bcef|b2e2 f2e2 Bcef|=g2e2 e2=d2 d2B2|A6 B2Bcef|
g2e2 f2e2 Bcef|b2e2 f2e2 B=cef|=g2e2 e2=d2 d2B2|A2=d2 B2A2 Bcef|
g2e2 f2e2 Bcef|b2e2 f2e2 B=cef|=g2e2 e2=d2 d2B2|B6 c2BGFE|] %%
T:Washington Square Park
C:Angus Lyon and Ruaridh Campbell
z6 B2AFED|:E2F2 D2A,2 A,B,D2|E2D2 D2A,2 A,B,D2|G2F2 A2F2 E2D2|E2EF D2B2 AFED|
E2F2 D2A,2 A,B,D2|E2D2 D2A,2 A,B,D2|B2A2 A2F2 E2D2|1D6 B2AFED:|]2D6 A2ABde|
f2d2 e2d2 ABde|a2d2 e2d2 ABde|=f2d2 d2=c2 c2A2|G2=c2 A2G2 ABde|
f2d2 e2d2 ABde|a2d2 e2d2 ABde|=f2d2 d2=c2 c2A2|G6 A2ABde|
f2d2 e2d2 ABde|a2d2 e2d2 A_Bde|=f2d2 d2=c2 c2A2|G2=c2 A2G2 ABde|
f2d2 e2d2 ABde|a2d2 e2d2 A_Bde|=f2d2 d2=c2 c2A2|A6 B2AFED|] %%
T:Washington Square Park
C:Angus Lyon and Ruaridh Campbell
z6 e2dBAG|:A2B2 G2D2 DEG2|A2G2 G2D2 DEG2|c2B2 d2B2 A2G2|A2AB G2e2 dBAG|
A2B2 G2D2 DEG2|A2G2 G2D2 DEG2|e2d2 d2B2 A2G2|1G6 e2dBAG:|]2G6 d2dega|
b2g2 a2g2 dega|d'2g2 a2g2 dega|_b2g2 g2=f2 f2d2|c2=f2 d2c2 dega|
b2g2 a2g2 dega|d'2g2 a2g2 dega|_b2g2 g2=f2 f2d2|c6 d2dega|
b2g2 a2g2 dega|d'2g2 a2g2 d_ega|_b2g2 g2=f2 f2d2|c2=f2 d2c2 dega|
b2g2 a2g2 dega|d'2g2 a2g2 d_ega|_b2g2 g2=f2 f2d2|d6 e2dBAG|] %%
You'll do a lot better with that at melodeon.net and pictures would help!
Thanks John, I'll see you a week on Sunday in a village near Maidstone!
Erm, could someone please tell me if the links in my last post work? They work for me of course but I'm the account holder!
Right, I hope I've this right and that the links work, please let me know if there is a problem!
Here we have the final versions of the PDF and the .abc files. Thanks to Chuck Boody for creating a PDF with an index!
After discussions with Ex Libris of this parish (who is of course the librarian for the ICA) it would seem that this odd little book isn't in the ICA collection so despite my earlier reluctance to do so I've scanned it all before giving the book away. Ex Libris likes his scans raw so he can clean them up himself so I haven't bothered with cropping etc so if you download the scans you'll have to do that yourself. Here it is then in all its glory:
Chappell's One Hundred Scotch Melodies.
Edited to change link to files
I notice that Amazon has indexed this book and given the date as 1859 (see here).
This is a different collection Nigel, it has an author - F.Nava and was most probably melody line only as some of the instruments named can only play one note at once.
The book I have transcribed is "Chappell's One Hundred Scotch Melodies Arranged for the Concertina by Carlo Minasi"
The list of tunes used may of course have been exactly the same but these were specifically arranged to be played on concertina.
Thanks for all the work you've done on this, tallship. Nice to have another book on the virtual shelf!
As a Scottish tune specialist I hadn't expected a personal response Nigel but it is most welcome! The arrangements are simple to say the least but they do mark a period in time when people bought books to suit the instrument they played and this was one such.
I'm fairly confident that this project is in the bag so here's a sneak preview of the PDF. The ABC file will be made available when I'm as sure as I can be that it's error free.
Chappell's One Hundred Scotch Melodies
The final tune!
Expect an email of the whole thing later today Chuck, I'm hoping you will cast your proof reading eye over it before it is released into the wild, I think it's been pretty well error trapped as we've gone along though
T:Good Night and Joy Be Wi' Ye A'
C:arr. Carlo Minasi
B:Chappell's One Hundred Scotch Melodies
B:Arranged for the Concertina by Carlo Minasi
Q:"Moderato "1/4=120
Z:Peter Dunk 2012
!mf!([bG][AD])|[G2B,2][G2B,2][D3B,3] G|\
[E2C2]E2 Ld3 [dB]|([bG]ded) ([bG]ded)|\
L[b2G2][G2B,2][G2B,2] [bG][AD]|
[G2B,2][G2B,2][D3B,3] G|[E2C2]E2 Ld3 [dB]|\
([bG]ded) ([bG]ded)|L[b2G2][G2B,2][G2B,2]||
B2|([AEc]GAB) [A2E2C2] (GE)|([DB,]E[GB,][AD]) [b2G2] (AG)|\
([AEc]GAB) ([cGE]Bcd)|L([e2c2G2][A2G2^C2]) [A2F2D2]B2|
([cGE]Bcd) ([e2c2G2] dc)|([bGD]ABc) ([d2G2B,2] cB)|\
([AEC]Bce) ([dBG]BAB)|L(G2E2)E2 ([bG][AD])|
|[G2B,2][G2B,2][D3B,3] G|[E2C2]E2 Ld3 [dB]|\
([bG]ded) ([bG]ded)|L[b2G2][G2B,2][G2B,2]||
I'll save the final tune until tomorrow but my goodness it's good to see the end of this project!
T:Lass of Patie's Mill, The
C:arr. Carlo Minasi
B:Chappell's One Hundred Scotch Melodies
B:Arranged for the Concertina by Carlo Minasi
Q:"Andantino "1/4=140
Z:Peter Dunk 2012
!p!G>F|(E2 DC) ([E2C2] [G2E2])|\
([c3E3] [dG] [e2c2]) zG|([AF]BcB AGFE)|
([E2C2][D2B,2]) z G>F|{F}(E2 DC) ([E2C2][G2E2])|\
([c3E3] [dG] [e2c2]) z G|([AF] BcB [bFG,]cde)|\
[c4G4E4C4] z||
e2|(fedc) (cBAG)|([c3E3][dG][e2c2]) zG|\
([AF]B[cE][GE]) ([AF][GE][FD][EC])|([E4C4] [DB,]) z(ef)|
(ge)(fd) (ecAf)|([e2G2][d2F2]) z2 E2|\
(F2 GA) G2 [b2F2]|{[b2F2]}[c6E6]||
T:Blithe, Blithe and Merry Are We
C:arr. Carlo Minasi
B:Chappell's One Hundred Scotch Melodies
B:Arranged for the Concertina by Carlo Minasi
Q:"Spiritoso "1/4=140
Z:Peter Dunk 2012
!mf!L[b2G2E2]E>F|A<A F<D|L[b2G2E2]E>F|A>F E2|\
L[b2G2E2]E>F|A<A (FD)|L[b2G2E2]E>F|(A<F) E H||
F|Dd (d>e)|([dB]> ([AF]>d)|([bG]<e) (e>f)|\
([EBG]>d) B>d|([AF]> ([dF]>e)|\
([dF]>[bG]) ([AF]>d)|([bG]>d) ([AF]F)|(A>F) [E2^C2A,2]||
I'm getting dangerously close to the end of the project!
T:In the Garb of Old Gaul
C:arr. Carlo Minasi
B:Chappell's One Hundred Scotch Melodies
B:Arranged for the Concertina by Carlo Minasi
Q:"Maestoso "1/4=130
Z:Peter Dunk 2012
!mf!D>D|G2 G>A (G>AB>A)|G2 D>D G2 (G>A)|\
B2 ([bG]>[cA]) ([bG]>[cA][dB]>[cA])|\
([bG]>AG>A) B2 ([bG]>[cA])|
[d2B2] [dB]>[dB] ([dB][=fd][ec]>[dG])|\
[c2E2] c>c (ced>c)|(B>AG>A) [c2A2] BA|\
L[A2F2D2] [AFD]>[AFD] [A2F2D2] z||
D>ED>E [FD]>[GE][FD]>[GE]|\
([AF]>[bG][AF]>[bG]) [c2A2] BA|\
(G>AG>A) ([bG]>[cA][bG]>[cA])|\
([dB]>[ec][dB]>[ec]) ([=f2d2] ed)|
.e.c.A.e .d.B.G.d|(cBAG) F2 E>D|\
(F>GA> (B>cB>A)|LG2 [GDB,]>[GDB,] [G2D2B,2]||
T:He's Comin' Again
C:arr. Carlo Minasi
B:Chappell's One Hundred Scotch Melodies
B:Arranged for the Concertina by Carlo Minasi
Q:"Allegretto "3/8=110
Z:Peter Dunk 2012
!p!C| F2 G [A2F2] [dB]|[c2A2] A (A<G) F|\
L(A>GF) F2 F|L(A>G)G G2 F|
F2 G [A2F2] [dB]|[c2A2] A (A<G) F|\
L(A>GF) F2 F|(A>GF) F2 z||
!mf![f2A2] [cA] [c2A2] [AF]|([dB][cA][AF]) [A2F2] F|\
L(A>GF) F2 F|L(A>G)G G2 [cGE]|
([f2c2A2][cA]) ([dB][cA][AF])|([c2A2] [dB] [f2A2]) A|\
L(A>GF) F2 A|(A>GF) HF2||
T:Flora McDonald's Lament
C:arr. Carlo Minasi
B:Chappell's One Hundred Scotch Melodies
B:Arranged for the Concertina by Carlo Minasi
Q:"Andantino "3/8=70
Z:Peter Dunk 2012
!p!F|([bD]>AB) ([GE]AB)|([cAF]ed/c/) (BA) F|\
(d>cB) (Fed)|(d/c/B[AE]) [b2D2]:|
!f!F|(B>cd/e/) (fdB)|F(Fd) ecA|\
([bFD]df) (fed)|(c>de) (edc)|
([fd]>[ge][fd]) ([ec][dB][cF])|(fdB) (AHG) !p!F|\
(B>AG) (Fed)|(d/c/BL[AE]) [b2D2]||
I added the repeats as being the least misleading way to show all of the written notes, there isn't really a right or wrong here methinks.
Boxing Day passed in a flurry of music and morris dancing!
T:Prince Charlie's Welcome to the Isle of Skye
B:Chappell's One Hundred Scotch Melodies
B:Arranged for the Concertina by Carlo Minasi
Q:"Allegro "1/4=120
Z:Peter Dunk 2012
!mf!(g/>e/)|(dG) (BA/G/)|([dB]G) (c/B/A/G/)|\
(e[AFD]) (A/B/c/d/)|(eA) (AB/c/)|
(dB/d/) (gf/e/)|(d/e/d/c/) (BA)|\
L(BG) {A/}(G/F/G/A/)|L(B[GB,][GB,]) (g/>e/)|
(dG) (BA/G/)|(dG) (c/B/A/G/)|\
(eA) (A/B/c/d/)|(eA) (AB/c/)|
(dB/d/) (gf/e/)|(d/e/d/c/) (BA)|\
L(BG) (G/F/G/A/)|LB[GB,][GB,]||
Rhythmic issue in the first bar.
Yes quite so, any bright ideas because that's what's written!? I could make the first two notes into a pick up bar but then it sounds odd the second time around.
and Happy Christmas!!! -
T:He's O'er the Hills That I Lo'e Well
C:arr. Carlo Minasi
B:Chappell's One Hundred Scotch Melodies
B:Arranged for the Concertina by Carlo Minasi
Q:"Moderato "3/8=95
Z:Peter Dunk 2012
!p![DB,]|([DB,][EC][GB,]) [G2B,2] [GB,]|(BAG) (E2 G) &D3C3|\
([DB,][EC][GB,]) ([GB,]d>[bD])|(BAG) G2 E &[F2C2] B, B,2 x|
([DB,][EC][GB,]) [G2B,2] [GB,]|(BAG) [E2C2] [ec] &D2 z x3|\
([d2B2] [ec]) ([dB]BG)|([bD][AC][GB,]) [G2B,2] H||
B| (d2 e) (dBG)|(BAG) [E2C2] e|d2 e (dBG)| (BAG G2 |
[d2B2] [ec] ([dB]BG)|(BAG) E2 G|\
(DEG) (Gd>|[bD][AC][GB,] [G2B,2] !D.C.!||
T:Welcome Royal Charlie
C:arr. Carlo Minasi
B:Chappell's One Hundred Scotch Melodies
B:Arranged for the Concertina by Carlo Minasi
Q:"Moderato "1/4=120
Z:Peter Dunk 2012
!mf!c|L(BA[G=B,]F)|([EC]>FGc)|L(BAGF)|F[fcAF][fcAF] c|\
L(BA[G=B,]F)|([EC]>FGc)|([AF]<c) ([GC]>A)|([F2A,2] f) c|
([AF]>[bG][cA][fA])|([f/B/G/]e/d/e/) [fcA] c|\
([AF]<c) ([GC]>A)|[F2A,2] [fcAF]||
C:arr. Carlo Minasi
%Repeat signs added to resolve a notation error
%in the first bar
B:Chappell's One Hundred Scotch Melodies
B:Arranged for the Concertina by Carlo Minasi
Q:"Andantino "1/4=120
Z:Peter Dunk 2012
!p!F>F|:F2G2|A2 A<F|jF>FA[cA]J| ([fA]>e) ([dB]<[cA])|
L[dB]>[dB] [fd]>[dB]|([cA]>A) (A/G/F)|\
[bFD]>B [AFC]>c|(G>A) ([GC]<[FA,]):|
Edit: addition of repeat marks as noted.
T:Will Ye Gang to the Ewe Bughts, Marion
C:arr. Carlo Minasi
B:Chappell's One Hundred Scotch Melodies
B:Arranged for the Concertina by Carlo Minasi
Q:"Lento "1/4=90
Z:Peter Dunk 2012
!p!D>E|[F2D2] ([GE]>[AF]) [f2A2] ([e^cG]>f)|[d4F4](D3 E)|\
[F2D2] ([GE]>[AF]) [f2A2] ([e^cG]>f)|[d6F6] zf|
([cA]A)(AB) [bd][GE] [AF]>B|([G4E4C4] [A2F2]) zc|\
[d2A2F2] (DB) (AGF[EB,])|[F6A,6] zf|
([cA]A)(AB) [bd][GE][AF]>B|([G4E4C4] [A2F2]) zc|\
[d2A2F2] (DB) (AGF[EB,])| D6||
T:My Ain Fireside
C:arr. Carlo Minasi
B:Chappell's One Hundred Scotch Melodies
B:Arranged for the Concertina by Carlo Minasi
Q:"Andante "3/8=80
Z:Peter Dunk 2012
!p!(c/d/)|([eG]>[dF][cE]) ([AF]>Bc)|\
([GE]>[AF][cE]) [d2G2] (c/d/)|\
([eG]>[dF][cE]) ([AF]>Bc)|\
([GE]>[AF][cAF]) [c2G2E2]|
c|([fcA]>g[fdB]) ([ec]ge)|\
([dAF]>ef/e/) {e}H[d2B2G2] (g/f/)|\
(e>dc) ([AF]>Bc)|([GE]>[AF][cAF]) [c2G2E2]|
!mf!(c/d/)|([eG]>[dF][cE]) [A2F2] c|\
([GE]>[AF][cE]) [d2G2] (g/f/)|\
e>dc ([AF]>Bc)|([GE]>[AF][cAF]) [c2G2E2]||
Song Tablature
in Tunes /Songs
To answer your questions in order:
The bits at the top of the file that start with a letter followed by a colon are called fields, they tell the software about the technical settings for the tune that follows along with information fields that will print as text on the page. X: denotes the the tune number but most importantly it tells the software that this is the beginning of an ABC file. Every ABC file must start with an X: field.
L: is the default note length for the code you are writing and it is chosen by the transcriber based on the most frequently used note length in the piece. Many tunes are written L:1/8 because the most common note in the piece is the eighth note or quaver, slow airs may well appear as L:1/4 because a quarter note or crotchet is the most numerous type in the tune. Note length can be changed by using numbers and symbols i.e.
L:1/8 (quaver is the default note length
Writing C in the body of the tune will result in a Middle C quaver appearing on the music. C2 will produce a crotchet and C4 a minim. C/ (note divided by - 2 is the default) will halve the length and produce a semi - quaver and so on.
Z: is the tune transcriber, the person who wrote the abc file
C: is the Composer of the music - in this case used to name the person who wrote the variations to this traditional tune
Upper and lower case letters are used to denote the octave of the named note. The C below the stave is a capital and the C in the middle of the stave is lower case thus CDEFGAB cdefgab takes you from Middle C to the B above the stave. Lower and higher octaves use commas and apostrophes to indicate lower and higher octaves so A, is the A below the stave and c' is the c above the stave and so on.
The pipe symbol | is used to create bar lines. The caret symbol is used to indicate an accidental sharp ^C means C# (the underscore is used for flats so _B is Bb). A pipe symbol followed by a colon |: is an open repeat mark and :| closes the repeated section.
You don't need to know any of this to print or listen to music written in ABC but you did ask!