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Posts posted by Pete Dunk
This is one for the collectors, I doubt I will ever reach the standard required to play it but it's nice to mess around with it. Ratface rides again!
X:1T:Coucou, LeT:Cuckoo, TheC:L-C DaquinC:arr, Danny ChapmanM:2/4L:1/16Q:1/4=70Z:Peter Dunk 2013K:G clef=treble|:zBcB eBcB &E,4 z2G2|gBcB eBcB &E4 z2G2|\gBcB eBcB &E4 z2G2|g2f2{e2f2}e2^d2 &E2F2G2A2|%eBcB gBcB &G4 z2E2|AABA fABA &F4 z2^D2|\GGAG eGAG &E4 z2 C2|FFGF dFGF &D4 z2 B,2|%EEFE cEFE &C4 z2 A,2|[1^D2E2{F2G2}F2G2 &B,2G,2F,2E,2|\F8 &B,F,G,A, B,A,G,F,:|[2^DEDE FGAF &B,2B,2 D2A,2|%B2AG TF2>E2 &G,2A,2B,2z2||E8 &zB,A,B, G,B,A,B,|\zded gded &E,2 z2 z2 B2|bded gded &G4 z2B2|%%bded gded &G4 z2B2|b2a2{g2a2}g2f2 &G2A2B2c2|\gded bded & B4 z2G2|ccdc acdc &A4 z2F2|%BdcB gdcB &G4 z2G2|e2d2{c2d2}c2B2 &c2B2A2G2|\Adcd z2a2 &D4 Adcd|f4 z2a2 &Ddcd Adcd|%"3"f4 z2"2"a2 & Ddcd A"1"dc"1"d|"1"f4 z2a2 &"3"DAGA\FAGA|d4 z2d2 &B,GFG DGFG|B4 z2d2 &G,GFG DGFG|%B4 z2d2 &G,GFG DGFG|B4 z2d2 &G,GFG DGFG|\GFGA BABc &E2E2D2C2|d2e2 {B}A2>G2 &B,2C2D2D,2|%[G8D8] &G,2 G,A, B,A,G,F,|:zBcB eBcB & E,4 z2G2|\gBcB eBcB &E4 z2G2|gBcB eBcB &E4 z2G2|%g2f2{e2f2}e2^d2 &E2F2G2A2|eBcB gBcB &G4 z2E2|\AABA gABA &F4 z2^D2|GGAG eGAG &E4 z2C2|%FFGF dFGF &D4 z2B,2|EEFE cEFE &C4 z2A,2\|[1^D2E2F2G2 &B,2G,2F,2E,2|F8 &B,F,G,A, B,A,G,F,:|%[2^DEDE FGAF &B,2B,2D2A,2|B2AG TF2>E2 &G,2A,2B,2z2|\E8 &zB,A,B, G,B,A,B,||zBAB ^GBAB &E,2z2 z2E2|%eBAB ^GBAB &^G,4 z2E2|dBAB ^GBAB & B,4 z2E2|\eB^cd edcB &^G,4 z2E2|^ccBc ^AcBc &^A,4 z2F2|%f^cBc ^AcBc &^A,4 z2 F2|e^cBc ^AcBc &^C4 z2F2|\e^cde fedc &^A,4 z2F2|dd^cd Bdcd &B,4 z2B,2|%fd^cd Bdcd &D,4 z2 B,2|gd^cd Bdcd &E,4 z2B,2|\^gd^cd Bdcd & =F,4 z2B,2|^afef ^cfef &^F,4 z2E,2|%bfef dfef &D,4 z2 B,2|gafg efde &E2F2G2F2|\^cdcd edcB &E4 z2G,2|^A2>B2 B2AB &F,4 B,4|%[^c8^A8^C8] &F2FE FGFE|z"2"FGF BFGF &D4 z2D2|\dFGF BFGF &B,4 z2D2|dFGF BFGF &B,4 z2D2|%d2^c2"1"B2^A2 &B,2^C2D2E2|BFGF dFGF &D4 z2 B,2|\EEFE ^cEFE &^C4 z2^A,2|%DDED B"1"DED &B,4 z2B,2|(3^C2B2F2 B^A^GA &(3E,2G,2F,2 z2x2|\[b8F8] &B,2B,=C B,A,G,F,||%%|:zBcB eBcB &E,4 z2G2|gBcB eBcB &E4 z2G2|\gBcB eBcB &E4 z2G2|g2f2{e2f2}e2^d2 &E2F2G2A2|%eBcB gBcB &G4 z2E2|AABA fABA &F4 z2^D2|\GGAG eGAG &E4 z2 C2|FFGF dFGF &D4 z2 B,2|%EEFE cEFE &C4 z2 A,2|[1^D2E2{F2G2}F2G2 &B,2G,2F,2E,2|\F8 &B,F,G,A, B,A,G,F,:|[2^DEDE FGAF &B,2B,2 D2A,2|B2AG F2>E2 &G,2A,2B,2z2||[E8B,8G,8E,8]|] -
Thanks, can't quite figure out most tech stuff.
I was just going to write it out on blank staff paper.
Okay, one day sale. Get the PDF here!
Now that Tune of the Month is up and running so well, a move towards Theme of the Month (ThOTM) is a healthy thing and gives everyone a chance to contribute to one or the other and indeed both of course.
Tune of the Month = The 1812 Overture
Theme of the Month = American Old Time
I'd probably steer clear of the 1812 Overture because I play English and it doesn't have a special key for canon fire like some anglos. American Old Time offers me a world of opportunity to contribute at any level I am capable of.
Adding a Theme of the Month is a great idea, it makes things much more inclusive! What shall we have first, Tunes from Monaco? Okay perhaps not.
So if I wanted to play the tune in G I would bring down each note by four tones? And start the tune on the G note?
Try popping this into the Tune-O-Tron.
X:63T:Hop and SkipC:Jody KruskalC:Copyright 2008 ©, Jody Kruskal. All rights reserved.M:4/4L:1/8Q:1/4=140K:GmajGABc|:"G"d2 dB "C"c3 A|"Em"BAGB "D"A3 F|\"C"GAGE "G"DEGB|"Am"AGAB "D"A4|"G"d2 dB "C"c3 A|"Em"BAGB "D"A3 F|\"C"GAGE "G"DEGB|"D"AGFA "G"G4:||:"Em"BA G2 E2 G2|"G" BA G2 "D"D4|\"Em"BAGB "C"cdcB|"Am"AGFE "D"DFAc|"Em"BA G2 E2 G2|"G" BA G2 "D"D4|\"Em"BAGB "C"cdcB|"D"AG F2 "G"G4:|W:W:A step-hop hornpipe meant for the jaunty lumpiness ofW:English dances. Play it with a bouncy swing for full flavour -
Dear Ratty,
Jody, meet Danny Chapman a delightful and thoughtful musician, rather like yourself. Sift through his stuff, it's a bit like Aladdin's cave!
Steve, the composer was Roger Talroth from Vasen, I thought the name looked odd! He also wrote the wonderful Josefin's Dopvals and the Falling Polska, great tunesmith.
Excellent version of The Thirty Year Jig.
Edited to add the link above.
Here's a tune with a difference, thirteen measures in the A music is something I've not encountered before and I can't really tell if the tempo is anywhere near right. It's quite catchy if a little odd!
T:Six and Sevens
Z:Peter Dunk 2013
B:Walsh, The Compleat Country Dancing Master Fourth Edition. 1740
eccAAF|fcgcac|(fg) =e4|f4z2|fcgcac|(fg) =e4|f6:|
|:cFAcfe|dfBdGB|EGcBAG|^F4 d2|gddBBG|eccedc|
AFBFcF|dFeFfF|BdfdBe|(dc) c2>B2|B6:|
W:Each Strain Twice. (repeats added to notation accordingly)
For the hambo, there is no sheet ..
Here's an abc:
X:1T:Hambo på logenC:Karl Salomonsson, text Anna Fina WahlinR:HamboO:HallandM:3/4L:1/8Q:1/4=110K:GV:1|: D2 D>E D>C | B,2 D>G B2 | G2 G>A G>E | G2 F4 | D2 D>F E>F |D2 F<A d2 | d2 d>e d>c | c2 B4 | D2 D>E D>C | B,2 D<G B2 |G2 G>A G>F | F2 E4 | c2 c>B A>c | B2 B>A G>B | A2 A>F D>F | G2 G4 :||: B>c d2 dB | GA B4 | G>A B2 A>G | G2 F4 |w:Stem fi-o-len du spel-man glad och sätt far-ten på strå-kenA>B c2 c>B | AG F4 | F>G F2 E>F | E2 D3 D |w:Här är vän-nen och här är jag Vi ska dan-sa som hog-en. DetB,>C D2 DC |B,D G3 G | F>G A2 A2 | G2 A2 B2 |w:sprit-tar gläd-je från topp till tå och det vär-mer i blo-gen. Menc>d e2 c>c | B>c d2 B2 | A>B c>A F>A | G2 G4 :|w:ing-en-ting går väl upp än-då e-mot en ham-bo på-å lo-genV:2|: B,2 B,>C B,>A, | G,2 B,>D G>D | B,2 B,>C B,>G, | A,2 D4 | F2 F>D ^C>D |F2 A<G F2 | F2 F>G F>E | E2 D4 | B,2 B,>C B,>A, | G,2 B,>D G>D |B,2 B,>C B,>A, | A,2 C4 | E2 E>D E>A | G2 G>F G>D | C2 C>D C>A, | B,2 B,4 :||: G>A B2 BG | DA G3 D | B,>D G2 D>B, | B,2 A,4 |F>G A2 AG | FE D4 | D>E D2 C>A, | G,2 B,4 |G,>A, B,2 B,A |GC B,4 | D>E F>D C2 | B,2 C2 D2 | E>F G2 G2 | G>A B2 G2 |F>G A>F D>C | B,2 B,4 :| -
which is my only excuse I can think of for the ending!
Am I wrong in thinking that many hymns ended with a similar riff? That would be numerous decades ago of course, long before your time!
I have a friend of 24 who is very keen on making his own concertina and eventually making more. I haven't tried to discourage him because, unusually, he has the sort of varied skillset that you need in order to contemplate doing that. I'd love to be able to refer him to such as website.
Get him apprenticed to Steve Dickinson, we need someone to keep Wheatstone going!
It turns out that I did do the abc transcription of the Abbess and posted it here. Earlier in the same the same thread a link was posted to this sheet music of the tune, this was the source for my transcription. The only reason for me not having a copy is that I must have done it on my now expired laptop and not copied the file across to the main PC.
I play a Treble EC (Lachenal Excelsior).
Nice 'tina. I have much of the remains of an Excelsior but many of those lovely old reeds have been swapped out, The ebay shark saw me coming!
I will now go off and listen to the Wallace arrangement with no great expectations at all but if it inspired you it must be worthy of some merit.
Oh no, it's merely a transcription. If you don't play the piece that inspired you we will never know what you heard in your mind!
Artistry in music SqueezeCat, simply sublime. I will now go off and listen to the Wallace arrangement with no great expectations at all but if it inspired you it must be worthy of some merit.
Play This:
X:1T:I've Lost My Love and I Care NotC:Trad.S:Hexham Morris: see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7mzsMgy66YM:6/8L:1/8Q:3/8=8P:A(AB)3K:DminP:AA, | D2 D DCA, | F3 F2 G | A>BA AGF | c3 A2d |c2 A A>GF | G>AG GEC | F2D E>CA, | F3 D2 ||P:Bc | d>ed dcA | .c2 c cAc | d>ed dcA | c3 A2 d |c2 A A>GF | G>AG GEC | F2D E>CA, | F3 D2 c |d>ed dcA | .c2 c cfe | d>ed dcA | cAG A2 d |c2 A A>GF | G>AG GEC | F2D E>CA, | F3 D2 |]W:W:Tune for "The Nightingale" (Fieldtown) as performed by Hexham Morris.W:Playing order: A (to yourself) AB AB AB -
By the way, my sense of that extra beat is that the four 8th notes B-A-G-F# are the third beat of the previous measure, not the first beat of the next measure, as my friend Peter has notated it.
You know the more I think about this the stranger it seems. I don't recall ever transcribing this tune, I don't have it in any of my abc files, I don't have a printed copy of the music and I can't transcribe by ear! I'm beginning to wonder if someone used one of my headers because it had all of the right info in it and couldn't be bothered to delete the Z: field. There is a file that's note for note the same on the Session, the only difference is that the few bars of music in 6/4 in 'my' file is shown in 3/2 on the Session version. Weird!
Yes, Ewan McColl sounds right, apologies for suggesting it might have been trad. More senior moments!
Sorry if this has been posted before but I stumbled across this this evening and it struck me as a pretty good version of the song. I'm not overly convinced of the provenance of the song being properly 'trad' in general but it's a fine rendition of a good song with 'tina accompanyment.
Well that says it all!
I should think so too, for shame! Troll!
Amazing how typical C.net thread drift has turned Jody's thread into anglo-bashing by a few EC elitists. What value does this bring to the discussion?
I have removed my light hearted tongue-in-cheek post. Dirge plays MacCann duet. I am not an elitist of any kind and you need to develop a sense of humour!
This post is a bit tongue in cheek as the piece is so incredibly hard to play but I do love these variation sets. This comes from volume 2 of Kohler's Violin Repository and is by far the longest piece of its kind I've ever come across. This one should get Profrat reaching for his concertina!
Dirge, the PDF is here! All three pages of it.
X:41T:Maggy Lawder - With VariationsT:Köhler's Violin Repository, volume 2, 1885M:CL:1/16Q:1/4=100K:DuA2 |\(d3e)d2f2 (d3e)d2f2 | (.e3.f) (gfed) c4 (e2fg) | f2d2d2A2 (d3e)d2f2 | (a3b)a2g2 f4 (a2f2) |g3ag2b2 f3gf2a2 | (.e3.f) (gfed) c4 (e2c2) | (dcBA) (BAGF) GFED E2g2 | (fga2) e2f2 d4 D2 :|[P:1]|: ug2 |\(fga2) d2g2 (fga2) d2f2 | (.e3.f) (gfed) c4 (e2fg) | (fga2) d2g2 (fg)af defg | (.a3. (abag) f4 (a2f2) |gfga gbag fefg fagf | edef gfed c4 (e2c2) | (dcBA) (BAGF) GFED E2g2 | (fga2) e2f2 d4 D2 :|[P:2]|: (uAF) |\(D3E)D2fg agfe defd | e2E2 gfed c4 e2AF | (D3E)D2fg agfe defg | (.a3. (abag) f4 (a2f2) |gfga gbag fefg fagf | e^def gfe=d c4 (e2c2) | (dcBA) (BAGF) GFED E2g2 | fgaf edef d4 D2 :|[P:3]|: ug2 |\fgaf dAeg fgaf dAdf | egfa gfed c4 (e2af) | fgaf dAeg fgaf defg | (.a3. (abag) (.f3.g) (bagf) |gfga gbag fefg fagf | e^def gfe=d c4 (e2af) | (dcBA) (BAGF) GFED E2g2 | fgaf edef d4 D2 :|[P:4]|: (FE) | DFA2 dfa2 DFA2 dfa2 | egfa gbed cBcd e2(ag) |\fd ({e}dc/d/) Ad ({e}dc/d/) FdEd Dd {e}dc/d/ | (ad)e'd c'bag fefg afga |bgdg bgd'b afdf afd'f | egfa gfed cBcd eage | (dcBA) (BAGF) GFED Ebag | fgaf efge d4 D2 :|[P:5]|: (ufg) |\a2fd a2ge afdA dfaf | egfa gbed cBcd efge | afdA dfaf afdA defg | ad'c'b abag fefg ab=c'a |(gd)(bd) (gd)(bg) (fd)(ad) (fd)(af) | egfa gbed cBcd eage | (dcBA) (BAGF) GFED Ebag | fgaf efge d4 D2 :|[P:6]|: (uag) |\fadf AdFA (D3E)D2f2 | (ed)ef gfed c4 (e2ag) | fadf AdFA (DF).A.d (FA).d.f | (Ad).f.g (ab).a.g ~f4 {ef}(af) |(gb)(bd') (d'b)(bg) (fa)(ad') (d'a)(af) | (egfa) (g/a/b/a/g/f/e/d/) c4 {Bc}(e2af) |\(dcBA) (BAGF) GFED CB,A,g | fadf egce d4 D4 :|[P:7]|: (uag) |\fAaf dAeA fAaf dAfA | eAef gfed cBcd ebag | fAaf dAeA fAaf dAfA | a^gab aba=g fefg bagf |gdBd gbag fdAd fagf | eAce gfed cBcd e2(af) | (dcBA) (BAGF) GFED CB,A,g | fadf egce d4 D2 :|[K:Dm][P:8]|:[M:2/4][L:1/16][Q:1/4=70]"Slowly"A2 |\(d3e)d2f2 | (d3e)d2f2 | e2(ba gfed) | ^c2e2(a3g) |\f2d2 (dA)fe | (d3^c) (defg) | (a3b) (abag) | (~^f3g) (bagf) |(ge)(eb) (bg)(ge) | (fd)(da) (af)(fd) | (egfa) (gb/a/g/f/e/d/) | (^cAce) (a3c) |\(d=cBA) (BAGF) | (ED^C=B, A,2)(ag) | (fagf) (egfe) | (d4 {^cd}) D2 :|[P:9]|: (ag) |\fgaf d2(ag) | fgaf d2f2 | (e3f) (gfed) | ^c2e2(a3g) |\(fg)fe dAag | fed^c defg | (a3b) (abag) | (~^f3g) (bagf) | gag^f gebg |=fgfe fdaf | (egfa) (gb/a/g/f/e/d/) | (^cAce a)(A=Bc) |\(d=cBA) (BAGF) | (ED)^CE HA,2 (ag) | (fagf) (egfe) | (d/f/d/A/F/d/A/F/) D2 :|[K:D][P:10]|:[M:C][L:1/16][Q:1/4=100]"Lively"A2 |\dedc dAfA dedc dAfA | e^def gfe=d cBcd efge | fdcd Adcd egce defg | a^gab aba=g fefg bagf |gafa gbag fgeg fagf | e^def gbeg cf=df eage | (dcBA) (BAGF) (G>A B/A/G/F/ E)(bag) | fadf fgce d(c/B/A/G/F/E/ D2) :|[P:11]|: ug2 |\fgaf dAeA fgaf dAfA | eAef gfed cAcd efga | fgaf dAeA fgaf defg | a^gab aba=g fefg bagf |gafa gbag fgeg fagf | e^def gbeg ce=df eage | (dcBA) (BAGF) (G>A B/A/G/F/ E)(bag) | fadf egce (dc/B/A/G/F/E/ D2 :|[P:12]|: [M:2/4][L:1/16][Q:1/4=70] u(3ABc |\(3ded (3cBc (3dAd (3fAf | (3ded (3cBc (3dAd (3fAf | (3eB^d (3eBf (3gBf (3eB=d | (3dAB (3cAd (3eAe (3gfe |(3fad (3dcd (3ceA (3ABc | (3dAd (3cAc (3dAd (3efg | (3afg (3abc' (3d'c'b (3abg | (3fdf (3gdg (3ade (3fga |(3bGB (3dBd (3gdg (3bag | (3aFA (3dAd (3fdf (3agf | (3eB^d (3eBf (3gBf (3eB=d | (3cAB (3cAd (3eba (3gfe |(3ded (3cBA (3BcB (3AGF | (3GAG (3FED (3CEA (3ceg | (3fag (3fed (3egf (3edc | (3daf (3dAF D2 :|[P:13]|: (3uefg | (3fAg (3aAf \(3dAf (3eAg | (3fAg (3aAf (3dAc (3dAf | (3eB^d (3eBf (3gBf (3eB=d | (3cAB (3cAd (3eAc (3efg |(3fAg (3aAf (3dAf (3eAg | (3fAg (3aAf (3dAc (3dAf | (3afg (3abc' (3d'c'b (3abg | (3fde (3fdg (3ade (3fga |(3gdf (3gda (3gdb (3bag | (3fde (3fdg (3fda (3agf | (3eB^d (3eBf (3gBf (3eB=d | (3cAB (3cAd (3eba (3gfe |(3dDc (3BDA (3BDA (3GDF | (3GAB (3AGF H[E2A,2]g2 | (3fag (3fed (3egf (3edc | (3daf (3dAF [D2D2] :|Edit: Typo -
Post removed.
There's a free (I think) Steinway metronome iPad/iPhone app that works well and is easy to use.
Tune Of The Month For August, 2013: The Abbess
in Tune of the Month
I only noticed one obvious slight stumble from which you recovered quickly and it didn't seem to rattle you at all, Playing through a mistake without allowing it to affect the rest of the piece is a good skill to have. I enjoyed listening to this and have noted tempo rubato and note length juggling as part of your style.