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Pete Dunk

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Everything posted by Pete Dunk

  1. Perhaps best left to moulder for generations and gradually slip into decline then. Many thanks for the insight Don!
  2. Agreed! Forgive me but isn't the tune you played remarkably like Rosin the Beau?
  3. No joy with my enquiry I'm afraid but as the tune is © to Springthyme Music it may be worthwhile dropping them an email.
  4. The Montreal Tunebook's ABC Editor has had problems over the last few months and it's nice to see that it is once again stable as it's my favourite online ABC tool. I didn't realise that lildogturpy was Robin Beech, our host and benefactor at the Montreal Tunebook and I am mightily pleased to discover that the author and owner of one of my favourite websites is a fellow English concertina player! Welcome to the forum Robin!
  5. I've sent out a jungle drums message to another Shetland fiddler (and tunesmith) of my acquaintance asking for info about the tune Peter. Watch this space . . . Pete.
  6. Tunebook and The Craic allow you to edit abc on either iPad or iPhone. I prefer Tunebook because it keeps all of the abc files as separate tunebooks and has a page white background whereas The Craic throws all of the abc files in together and has a dirty grey sort of background colour that is really quite hard to read off if the lighting in the room is a bit poor.
  7. I agree Geoff! This is still a work in progress, more updates soon!
  8. So, now that Wolf has let the cat out of the bag so to speak ( ) I'd better post a link to the 'straight' recording. It's almost as it was recorded on my Zoom H4 but it has been topped and tailed and then 'Normalised' to set the playback level as high as it can be without distortion. The 'treated' version was topped and tailed then sent as a CD quality .wav up to Yorkshire and returned as a slightly sweetened and industrially reverberated mp3. I ask no forgiveness!
  9. Thank you Wolf, that makes my next task of recording a tune very much easier!
  10. Sooner than expected. Take two. My good friend Gary may well have been a bit heavy handed with the reverb but I've always wondered what it would be like to play in a cathedral!
  11. Thanks Chuck, I'm now working with a metronome to keep the tempo pretty strict and at the same time emphasizing the pulse so it's a work in progress. I may be ready to record my progress again tomorrow, we'll see.
  12. [nerd] I've no idea where the word originated and it has been decried on this forum many times in the past but if the OP wants to know what the word samper is meant to describe then it is the small leather disc that is stuck in the middle of the back of a concertina pad. The leather 'woggle' or 'doughnut' or 'washer' on the end of the lever makes contact with the pad at this point. Some people glue the two together, others apply a thin strip of leather over the leather 'woggle' or 'doughnut' or 'washer' and stick the ends of the strip to the back of the pad either side of the 'samper' Whichever method of attachment is used the whole idea of the leather to leather bond is to allow a good bit of flexibility for the pad to seat properly and allow for slight mechanical inaccuracies that might otherwise lead to a poor seal around the pad. [/nerd]
  13. A quick recording of the tune for a forthcoming project, annoying hesitations here and there and I jump the gun once or twice too, not sure if there's a bit of 'tempo rubato' going on as well. Feel free to jump in and ravage it, constructive criticism is what I'm after! Don't be kind or polite, but do please be accurate! https://soundcloud.com/peterdunk/dr-mackays-farewell-to
  14. This has to be the tune of the year in this thread! Thanks to Steve Mansfield for the ABC. Hear Anahata knock out a flawless rendition here. X:1 T:Dvajspetorka M:25/8 (7+7+11/8) L:1/8 Q:1/8=250 B:Linsey Pollack and Philip Griffin Macedonian Folk Music (1990) Z: Steve Mansfield 20140309 K:C |: e2c ef gf .| e2c ef gf .| ed dc c2 G cd e2 | e2c ef gf .| e2c ef gf .| ed dc c2 G c2 z2 :| gca gf ec .| gca gf ec .| ed dc c2 G cd eG | gca gf ec .| gca gf ec .| ed dc c2 G c2 z2 | ecf ed dc .| ecf ed dc .| ed dc c2 G cd eG | ecf ed dc .| ecf ed dc .| ed dc c2 G c2 z2 | efg e2 ec .| efg e2 ec .| gG fG e2 d cd ec | efg e2 ec .| efg e2 ec .| gG fG e2 d c2 z2 | cdG e2 eG .| cdG e2 eG .| gG fG e2 d cd ec | cdG e2 eG .| cdG e2 eG .| gG fG e2 d c2 !fine!z2 || a_bc' a2 ag .| fga f2 fe .| f2 fe dec de fg | a_bc' a2 ag .| fga f2 fe .| f2 fe dec d2 z2 | cBc d2 dA .| cBc d2 dc .| ef fe dec de fg | cBc d2 dA .| cBc d2 dc .| ef fe dec d2 z2 !D.C.! |
  15. Cyril was a regular for a couple of years at a Leeds city center pub that was/is a haunt for musos in general and folkies in particular. Not only did I see a number of his gigs there, I spent many hours propping up the bar (drinking orange juice honest guv!) and chatting about life in general and his extraordinary songwriting talent when he had no gigs elsewhere. The same goes for a number of folk luminaries, The Grove is a well known and popular drop in for anyone passing through the city in fact many famous folkies go out of their way to visit if they are in the area. Leeds is in Yorkshire, a region well known for being laid back and unflapable, so one Saturday evening (the first Saturday I'd missed in two years!) a local hero, Steve Philips - blues guitarist and top flight guitar maker walks in with his long time friend and ace guitarist Brendan Croker. They'd brought along an old mate who used to work for the Yorkshire Post newspaper, whose offices were less than half a mile down the road from the pub. That Saturday night in a scruffy old pub in Leeds that I couldn't make it to for the evening, the Notting Hillbilly's were born. The ex journalist from the Yorkshire Post was none other than Mark Knopfler, he played in my local pub for free and I WASN'T THERE! Sorry you were asking about someone called Cyril?
  16. So what's next Sammy's Bar? Cyril was a regular at the Grove Inn in Leeds for a while, one of my haunts for many years, he wrote some great songs!
  17. Black bushing felt is available, fitting it is hardly rocket science and although it isn't free in the great scheme of things it can hardly be classed as expensive!
  18. Shelly, you know me of old and you know that I have a deep and abiding passion for northumbrian pipe music. If I were to start my collection of NPS publications again it would be in this order: The new 2 volume Billy Pigg book set The Northumbrian Piper's Variations book The new Clough Family Tunebook The Lads Like Beer The Charlton Memorial Tunebook Northumbrian Pipers Tunebook 1,2 &3 This would be my core collection and may well beyond your budget for a single purchase and you do need to bear in mind import duties if you spend too much!
  19. Am I wrong in saying that Simon Thoumire learned to play without any information or guidance about how the instrument should be held and played? He made his own way and it works very well for him. Dare I ask how much better/worse he might be liberated/hampered/enlightened/hamstrung by a traditional playing position? Given the awesome raw talent the result may be marginal but significant methinks!
  20. Erm, not wishing to throw a spanner in the works but I've know La Mal Aimable for some time, sounds a bit like your tune Jim!
  21. I think you are severely twisting the language to make that fit Jim! Acting as a civilian (member of the populace) and being civil (in manner) are the bits of English that makes it a delightfully diverse and complex language to master!
  22. I don't think we involve ourselves in things like that around here Jim! Good to see that my *almost* unbroken record on here and melodeon.net of never voting for the winner remains largely intact. I made the mistake once of voting for a jolly little tune and it won , bad form that.
  23. Sorry about errors in abcs , now corrected. None of these were my transcriptions I just grabbed them off the web!
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