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Everything posted by JoachimDelp
Searched Gesucht Zum Erproen testen der neuen Concetina Nova Midi Spieler /weiblisch und/oder männlich mit denen ich gerne die neueste Concertina Novva Midi EC erproben möchte und die eine oder andere Tonaufnahme machen möchte, da ich selbst Anglo Spieller bin. Sollte jemand daran interessert sein, bitte ich um Kontaktaufnahme. Dank und Gruß Joachim Delp Want to cntact Players of teh Englsich Concertina in GErmany and Neibhbour Countries for teting our last Prototype and realize some recordng foro De,mo (nothing too special). Any interested person please contact me. thanks and regards, Dank nd Grüsse Joachim Delp
electronic practice concertina
JoachimDelp replied to Scott Smith's topic in General Concertina Discussion
There is this one: https://www.facebook.com/Electronic-Concertina-683463138700300 said Stephen Chamber in 2022. Wel, it seems so, and I hope "it will be the one, or at least one of the ntersting ones. Latest news: N° 3 prototype EC is on its way to my home in GErmany for tsting purpose and if possile realite some Demo Recording. I feel pretty convinced that our Concertina Nova after teh long time it tok antil ow in its progressive development, will prove that it is read for considering its serial production. Hope that by End of January 2025 we can offer first unis for to the interesed players. The unit I am speaking about is actually an Engllisch Concertina withut bellows. An Anglo Concertina with bellows is under cnstruction, Hope to see it here in Spring next year. Our target is to get ready for sale: English, Anglo and Hayden Duet models with and without bellows. We also may come up with old Concetinas upcycled and converted into Midi Concertinas, allowing to play over headpones for silent practising. These are the actual plans, which we hope to be in grade to confirm later on. If somebody would comunicayte us his interst, we would be quite grteful and happy to receive such comunication. Later in January 25 I plan to ask to all our Forum Members from"Concertina Technology" mambers of Concertina.net, Concertinas are Cool, Anglo Concertina, JHayden Dueta Cponcertina, KonzertinaNezt Concertina-Netz and others, who migjht have serious interest in byung one of our Concertgina Nova producs, which type they would prefer and special wishes they wight have and possibly than we shall open a Waiting, trusting that we could deliver first units during teh second half of the year 2025. Any kind of helpful and psotive critic and suggestion is wellcome. Thank you for your interest. Joachim -
Advice for thickness of leather for bellows
JoachimDelp replied to Rod Pearce's topic in Instrument Construction & Repair
Hallo from Germany I am sarting building my fist set of bellows, repairing 20 button Lachenal. I sahh try and trust to succed to replace its old 5 fold bellow. Fou nd in time today this topic and want tell you that I found very helpful all the information here exposed. May inform laer my expereince. Less bad, taht I have two Concertina Makers not too far from my place, eady to give me their advise. I try it inspite of my Low Sight handicap, so thir guide and control is needed. However I trust, taht making the third set, I may be not a master, but able to produce smeting satisfying my needs. Regards and good wihes to everybody. Case my work has acceptable results, I may take fotos and show it here, for others whjo wánt to do teh same. -
Tutorial Video Luke Hilman Orange Blossom
JoachimDelp replied to JoachimDelp's topic in Teaching and Learning
Simon, unable to recover your post to my PM, please repeat to my e-mail addres bamboomotion.. Thanks in advance JD -
Tutorial Video Luke Hilman Orange Blossom
JoachimDelp replied to JoachimDelp's topic in Teaching and Learning
Hi DAvid, Have sent my message to Like succesfully. Thnnk you so much ! JD -
Tutorial Video Luke Hilman Orange Blossom
JoachimDelp replied to JoachimDelp's topic in Teaching and Learning
Thanks DAvid. I understand Always learning new tings. Very helpful. A pleasure to have met you here and having found your inspiring Music. Cordially Joachim -
Tutorial Video Luke Hilman Orange Blossom
JoachimDelp replied to JoachimDelp's topic in Teaching and Learning
My admiration to Alex and David, great minds: To Alex for all the echnical information around Concertina Building. If I could afford I would like to buy one of your instrumetns ! To David: Have been listening right nos some of your tunes Dr. Sleep, particulary Coilsfield House which is one of my favorites. Womderfully performed I understand on your Duet Concertina. I think I shall use some of recordings as an inspiration to look how much I can adapt yoour playing and play myself on my Anglo Wheatstone Mayfair, actually in repair. Ehre wem _Ehre gebührt, more or less meaning Honour to whom honour deserves ! Joachim -
Tutorial Video Luke Hilman Orange Blossom
JoachimDelp replied to JoachimDelp's topic in Teaching and Learning
I thank you Alex and you David for youur attention, 🫠Ian afraud it may appear to be stupid, but I do not know what to do or how to use @Luke Hillman, is this a complete e-,ail adress, or possibly I shoould write e.g. concertina.net@Luke Hilman ? Please help and explain me which would e the correct address for contacting Luke. Thnaks again. Abd David ; 😃 Great minds think alike ! If I understand right on teh bse of my defectous and limited knowledge of the English langauge, than it sounds very kind and nice to me. Animating or MOtivating. I do not think that it really needs great mind for thinking with empathy. Best wihes Joachim sallyconc.mp3 -
Tutorial Video Luke Hilman Orange Blossom
JoachimDelp replied to JoachimDelp's topic in Teaching and Learning
Thank you, Simon, for your quick coment. I am a low sight handicapped peson and I am learning mainly by ear Actually I am trying to omprove my playing level, learning onöline with Edel Fox from OAIM Here at the time I am learning new fingerings, playing across the rows, I am a beginner. Due to my limited sight capacity, I see easier the red and green lights, at least it helps. By the way, Edel uses this system only with the beginers lessons. I admit sometimes this lighjts sometimes are causing a loss of concentraton. So I would say, the idea to search for the mentionned light system comes mainly to me, due to my personal limitation, but also I think it can be of help for one or the other person. Eventually one could install such a system in a way, one can connect it or use it if one feels that it could be of help, at least when starting at the beginning. Forgetting about my sight problem, I would tend to share your opinion. Once more thank you again. I think I shal follow my search and learn ho compcated it maybe to be installed properly. But your advbise will certainly make me think a bit more about. There is also time to decide, snce I shall anyway neeed time to prepare equipment and to learn to produce Videos properly. I have seen in your concertina.net profile, that among many other intersting things, you are also an experienced person, producing Video. If you want to give me general adice and or tip, I wold be grateful. Eventually yoou could transmit such information to me persnally. Best regards Joachim Delp -
Would like to contact Luke, but did not find any mail address. Planning to prepare some Video Tutorials for Beginners on the Anglo Concertina I am searching for information referent "Optical infomration in form of clored lightening cricles showing which Button is pressed and if pushed or pulled". How could be the correct denomination of such an electronci optical system, allowing a research? Working with Luke Hilman´s Tutorial "Orange Blossom"m he uses in his video such a system, which I find qite usefu. Also in some videos worked out by Edel Fox such a system is used. Anybpody, please, can indorm me whre to find such system, software or whatsoever,? Thanks in advance . Regards Joachim Delp
Have been very busy and have read your message only now. Yes, I am delighted with the idea to inerchange smoe Music and learning one from tghe other. Presumably we ae omore or less of a similar level as players. Give me please a bit of time, I shalll leave for Spain, holyday and vbusiness, and when I cme back I shall try,perhaps together with my freind Phillip to record some music for you,., which I jhope you wil like Think I shal send ir to you to mail address. Can imagine easily, tha we shall enjoy together and learn or get some mpulses for new tings. I am very jhappy with the idea. Regards Joachim We play generally Folk : Irish ,German Basque tunes (Ilike very much) some Russion and also some pouular music. Perhaps some day we can met in _Slovenia or in Germany and can play diretly together.:)
thnak you vwery much. The Midi file is assistance enough, easy to play. Wht do mneab wuith cores ? Do you mean notes. Yes u can see and understand note sheets, uin cnditon I am magnifying them enough.m but when magnifying enoujhg, thanoften I cannot rwead several notes at the same time,I mustread note by noet, not a impossible misson but tedious and time consuming. Anyway yoiu have helpend me Thamnks.
Me to I wolöd like tolearn to play the tune. But I am low sight handicapped and I am learnig to play by ear,notg too badly. Do you know of any sound sampleor cold you play anad record for and send me. I am wellpreapred to do so for others who want to learn different tunes. Thaks for your attention.
Love it, inspiring ! Perforemd nn a D/G tuned Concertina ? Is it yuo, who plays teh tune Edelweiß? I am learning to palydifferent styles, but I like also to play in a ximilar way as you do. Me alone and together with my fiend Phillip we are playng similar tunes occasopnally in one or the otehr Biergarten. And people enjyo it. Kenn to learn more fromyou, I amredy to record some of our beautiful tunes for you and you gie memroe of your stuff ?
I am actually ion the spot to buy an odl McCann duet, which nees to repair.I want to learn to playit. Wantto understand. Fod info and even tutor burt for Crane or Jeffries Duet. I amconoscient, taht the JHaydn duet is eaier to learn that the old Deut cncertinas. Do you agree? Waht are the main differnces between the metnionned Duet cncertinas, eg Fgeffries and McCann. Any aadvise how to learn to pllay teh McCAnn ? Than you ikn advance for your comments. Joacim De,öp
Thank you ! Like it very muhc. Marvelous ! JD
Sir Sidney Smith’s March
JoachimDelp replied to Christian Husmann's topic in Concertina Videos & Music
Gut gespielt ! Bravo! Will ich auch lernen ! Der Wunsch nch einem Treffen, ist jetzt stärker n och geworden ! Mein leiner en kel, würde jetzt rufen: Mehr, Mehr ! Herzlich Joachim -
Now I have seen it, my mistake not tyoing the i. The corrected address should ow be working Please excuse my mistake !
Thanks for your reply ! Yes have one for you.. Pleasew try again to my emal: bamboomotion@gmx.de I may have made amistake, when informing my addess earier. Wait your notice Codially Joachim
Looking to buy parts for an Arno Arnold chemnitzer
JoachimDelp replied to marxstadter's topic in Buy & Sell
Ha ve not forgottenm here we are celbratin Easter fiests. May be I cannotz giv e some more concrete info until Tuesday. Regards Joachim -
Would like to learn what kid of Concertina may b e the Wheastone no. 21. Would be gatef ul if you infor me by desrition and or goto . Thak you in advane