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Samuel Chapman

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    Vancouver BC

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  1. Little arrangement I worked out to a lovely song. Many thanks to TehRazorBack for guidance and encouragement! Coover'd Dots here: Into_the_Unknown.pdf
  2. THANK YOU SO MUCH! Definitely needed clarification on which one was on the pull. I had been trying this for a bit, plinking both the reeds, but finally using a tiny syringe full of air while I pushed on it with a knife got it working again! Life saver!
  3. My McNeela Phoenix suddenly stopped making any noise on the pull of button R6. Has been working fine for about two years except for one slightly sticky key on the other side. Opened it up and nothing looked obviously broken. Otherwise I have no clue what I might be looking for. Please help!
  4. Thanks for your reply. I needed the reassurance that it wasn't a mechanical fault. It was a change in sound that I wasn't anticipating from my previous instrument.
  5. Hi all, I recently bought a new Phoenix concertina from Mcneela, and I'm overall really happy with the instrument. However, I quickly noticed that there is a slight clicking sound that I hear when I change direction on the bellows while holding down certain keys. It is the most pronounced on the E4/F4 key LHS. I have been combing through various posts that seem to speak to similar issues, and the usual response is that the instrument just needs some time to settle in, and that the best remedy is to keep playing. I emailed Mcneela's customer support and they promptly replied, confirming that this was probably the case. However, it's been a couple weeks and I haven't noticed any improvement yet. I also suspect that it is not so much a problem with the reeds as it is with the valves, since the notes sound fine and I only hear the clicking when I change the direction of the bellows. If it's the valve that's making the noise, Does the same "fix" still apply? Or should I open it up, and if I did, what would I be looking for? I usually can't hear it very much when I'm playing an actual piece, but if it's a piece that requires some reversals on the notes that make the noise, it sounds like my concertina has a mouth full of oatmeal. Double fingering is an option, but it isn't ideal. I've attached a file with a recording of what it sounds like. I'd appreciate any help, advice, or reassurance from anyone more familiar with the inner workings of these mysterious and wonderful machines! Thanks in advance!Recording.m4aRecording.m4a
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