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Everything posted by Marcus

  1. Nice one Clive - retiring! Congratulations! Let me know if you are headed this way!
  2. So true Clive! Have you been here? I wish more C-netters travelled here and would bring their instruments! It's quite a solitary hobby for me here!
  3. Looks a lovely instrument and if I were flush with cash I'd surely take you up on it. Quite fancy a baritone at some point
  4. I would also consider a trade for a Castagnari Lilly Button Accordion in B/C
  5. 1028125_10152190241244453_1955639_n.mp4 Here's a little demonstration - excuse the mistakes!
  6. It always strikes me how welcoming and helpful the free reed community and concertina.net members in particular are. People a so free to share a good tune, technique, repair suggestion, obscure discontinued recording and other number of things. It's such a wonderful thing and an amazing resource as we are spread so widely around the globe. I know for me - being stuck out on a 21 mile long piece of rock in the Atlantic hundreds of miles from the nearest landmass I would be at a complete loss without it! Thanks to you all - and Happy Holidays!
  7. Wondering if anyone has a copy of Larry Kinsella - The Barley Grain. I was watching Paddy Egan and have been listening to the wonderful Tobar Gan Tra album. In the video he was speaking about how much of an influence his first teacher Larry Kinsella had been. I'd love to hear the album. Doesn't appear to be available anywhere.
  8. I have to say - I much prefer the look of the 22. Shiny metal with sharp edges on the Norman just doesn't have the same allure. My Kensington has moderately tarnished ends and although I make efforts to clean it up every now and then I don't think I'd want it to look as shiny as the Norman does in your picture.
  9. I wonder what Amazon have sent to me - it shipped this morning?!
  10. Looks like I stumbled on a lesser known gem perhaps!
  11. If I wasn't located in Bermuda I might do that too! Maybe I got the last one - I was on the US Amazon site.
  12. I just placed an order for my copy. Looking forward to receiving it!
  13. Hi everyone - has anyone read the Chris Droney book by Dan Worral? I'm probably late to the party on this one but it just popped up as a recommendation while perusing Amazon for Christmas gifts!
  14. Or it could be an early Xmas gift for $2000
  15. Hi everyone - this is still available. I'd be happy to trade for an Edgley C/G Wheatstone if anyone was looking to switch to a G/D
  16. Humidity here in Bermuda hangs around about 85% most of the time and during the hottest times around 95 to 99%.
  17. Price reduction to $2250. If anyone in the UK is interested I’ll be traveling to England in July and could mail it from there. I’ll be based in Southampton.
  18. This is really great and shows just how good a 20 button Anglo can be. Everyone strives for the 30+ button instrument but so much fun can be had with 20! Makes me want to get one!
  19. The Bastari sounds wonderful. If I’m ever in the market for a 40 button instrument I may very well consider one of those if I can find one!
  20. Sounds great! Nice job. The drone sounded perfect to me.
  21. Very nice - want to trade for a G/D Morse?!
  22. I have decided to put my Morse Ceili in G/D up for sale - I recently acquired a Kensington and no longer play the Morse. I never really took to the G/D. It's #952 and was made in December 2011 It's quick, light and loud as all Morse instruments are. I has a draw A on button 2a on the left hand side (a Jody Kruskal mod) but is otherwise a standard Jeffries layout. Comes with the original hard case. Buyer to cover shipping from Bermuda - last time I checked it would be approximately $300 fully insured via courier. Happy to do a Skype call with any interested buyers. I'm looking for $2500 - so with shipping you'd be in for $2800 ono
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