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allan atlas

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Chatty concertinist

Chatty concertinist (4/6)

  1. Thanks, Mark, for noting the online availability of Anna G's article. . . .I should have remembered that since we had to request permission from them......Allan
  2. have a look at George Case's The Baritone Concertina, a New Method, containing Introductory and Explanatory Remarks, follwed by a Selection from the Works of the Best Masters. . ., where you will find Case's transcription of the psalm "Devizes" (among other things) for baritone concertina
  3. Yes. . . . . .Wheatstone seems to have designed the layout of the buttons on the English. . . . .for a fascinating article on where Wheatstone likely got his ideas for the layout: Anna Gawboy, "The Wheatstone Concertina and symmetrical Arrangements of Tonal Space," PICA 10 (2013-2015), 1 - 34 note that this is reprinted from the Journal of Music Theory 53.2 (2009)................... Allan Atlas
  4. you might get in touch with the house of musical something or other in Tacoma (or is it Takoma) Park Maryland......allan
  5. FOLKS: the curator of musical instruments at the MFA in Boston is Darcy Kuronen. . . .who is himself quite knowledgeable about free-reed instruments. . . . .he has done some very good research about New England-made lap organs in the 19th century. . . . .allan
  6. Dave: while there were many concertinas that went for more than £7. . . .that seems to have been among the most popular models. . . . .are you talking about the article dealing with women concertinists. . . .there's a table in there that shows the number of instruments sold at each price level and the percentage that that number formed.........Allan
  7. Dear Dave: though £7.0.0 might have been more than "pocket change" for the everyday working stiff, i'm not sure that Mr. Lowe necessarily had to be "very" wealthy. . . . . is the Joseph Lowe that you mention one and the same as the composer-dancing master born in 1797 and died in 1866 and active in Scotland. . . . .his father was John. . .. also a composer-dancing master. . . .. .so that seems to turn around the names of John = son and Joseph = father there's information about the above father-son in Brown and Stratton, BRITISH MUSICAL BIOGRAPHY. . ., 1897. . .reprint DaCapo Books 1971. . .and POSSIBLY available on Google Books these days. . . .not sure........Allan
  9. FOLKS: i'll certainly second all the plaudits and praise. . . . . listened to it this morning. . . . .many thanks to Jenny, Dave, Ron, and all the others who contributed their time and talent. . . . . .sure wish there were a band like that in new york.............Allan
  10. FOLKS: i did not read through the entire thread. . . .but perhaps the following was overlooked. . . .it's not a limerick. . . .still: the name of the song: "Nix on the Glowworm Lena". . . .by Macdonald and Carroll. . . .sung in the Ziegfeld Revue of 1910. . . . . In a boarding house lived Lena Strauss Who owned a concertina, And she knew one song that she played all wrong, But that didn't worry Lena. When she rose each day, she'd commence to play, And the boarders throught of no term, That was strong enough, It was really tough, When Miss Lena played the Glow-Worm. When she started to play the boarders all would yell, "Hey!". . . .etc etc etc. . . . . the entire piece is available at http://levysheetmusic.mse.jhu.edu search for "Nix on the Glowworm Lena". . . .this, by the way, is a fantastic website. . . .go there and you'll see what i mean.....Allan
  11. FOLKS: correction -- there is a nice CD. . . but it does not have two masses.................allan
  12. FOLKS: there's lots written on the so-called WINCHESTER TROPERS. . . .some very nice music in there................in fact, if i remember correctly, there's a very nice CD with two masses from that repertory..........Allan
  13. Dear Burnt Oak: would you be in touch with me about the concertina. . . . . .aatlas@gc.cuny.edu Allan
  14. Well as long as we're dwelling on matters linguistic, I would take just a moment to note that the word "ciao" is spelled incorrectly. . . . .the "word" (and there is none quite like that as far as i know) "chao" would be pronounced: "cow"........Allan
  15. DANIEL AND FOLKS: i've not checked through Google Books. . . but i do know that many references to "concertina" over a wide range of literature refer to "concertina wire". . . . . . . .Allan
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