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Posts posted by Laitch

  1. On 12/13/2022 at 3:03 PM, Jim Besser said:
    The intriguingly named "Bang Your Frog on the Sofa" was written by Will Harmon, and I suppose if it's representative of a genre, it could be labeled Irish.

    Will Harmon is a writer, editor, fiddler, fiddle tutor, pie maker, mountain biker and who-knows-what-all out of Montana, USA who fiddles a lot in the Irish style. He's composed several interesting tunes along the way. Here's someone starting a set with that tune and almost riding it off the rails. 😊

  2. 3 hours ago, cac said:

    . . . rather have to brave the internet's variable signal strength in order to work on the tutorial.

    Climbers were lined 100 deep through the Death Zone on Mt. Everest a couple of years ago, and I just viewed a video of a wingsuit flyer using a jet-pack. Attempting to learn from this tutorial might be the only reasonably unique thrill for a while. :D


    Someone who has got a Wheatstone with bowing valves?



    It's in the metal. In fact, I believe that's my concertina shown in #20. I recall doing that with the red circle (quite an accomplishment given my complete lack of Photoshop skills) the last time Boyds were discussed.


    That photo is an extract from this recent for sale post, Jay, to which I added the red circle.


    Here is another Wheatstone with bowing valves.

  4. By the way...when the Boyd label is presented in the fretwork what does it look like? On Lachenals integrated with the fretwork like the "SA" letters for Salvation Army models? On Wheatstones with a printed paper label replacing the original "C Wheatstone" label? Or engraved? Any photos somewhere?

    A search of this site brings up these, among others.


    First, an advertising description of H. Boyd.



    Here is his name in an endplate.


  5. So, is it OK to post the music if Andy is clearly identified as author of the tune.

    For example, I am looking at some random music now that has:


    HEIRHICH SCHUTZ (1585 -1672)

    Arranged and edited by Walter Ehret

    In the USA it would not be OK. Your Schutz/Ehret example doesn't apply because the music is approximately 300 years beyond US copyright protection. Cutting's work is under copyright protection until 95 years after his death. Read this page and the pages following it.


    The strict application is that you need his permission to do anything beyond playing it for your own or your friends' pleasure in a private setting. As Jim has indicated, getting his permission is the right thing to do.

  6. The description says "one reed broken but plays various notes", and there does appear to be 4 sets of reeds on the lid. How did these work?

    My guess is that it worked by sounding one set of reeds when air was drawn through them during opening of the container and the other set when air was pushed through them during closing of the container. The sound of the chords could eventually act as an alarm to detect over-consumption of biscuits—a seemingly self-defeating marketing strategy for a biscuit maker. :lol:

  7. I've just had problems using the quote function. . . . Got round it in the end by clicking quote on the post I wanted to quote and then deleting the bits that I didn't need and building my message around the quote! Completely crazy! Please help! I use Safari on a Mac, by the way.

    I'm using a Safari on a Mac and that's how it's done. It took me thirty seconds including a coffee break to reply to you just now, Atzarin.

  8. Nick, I know you meant it in fun, but have a heart man!

    Well, he's got the Dickens character down pat anyway. Good show.


    If you are able to post some photos, Ken, and inform us whether it has a Jeffries or Wheatstone keyboard layout, that might hasten the sale. I hope equilibrium is restored soon.

  9. Here :– https://thesession.org/tunes/346 on the SESSION website you will find seven versions.

    They're all slightly different, why people post multiple copies of the same tune I don't know!!

    One reason there are slightly differing copies of the same tune might be that variation is an essential part of Irish tune playing. A tune can vary from region to region, person to person, and even in each repetition of one person's playing of it. Each tune has a core structure—bones—that is identifiable; what holds those bones together varies from wire to lace. Many of those versions might be players just showing each other ways they've come up with to play the core tune; some of them might be established regional variations of a tune. Some of them might be mislabeled and misplaced rubbish by the people who post them.

  10. Ideally, numbered keys would be great as I'm still learning to read music! I found some things here (https://thesession.org/tunes/346), but not something that is understandable to me!/


    The sheet music to that tune is on that link, Will. Click the sheet music button. You can the compare the sheet music to the abc notation as a start to comprehension of their relationship—like with the samples John has provided. Each score variation on that site is developed from its corresponding abc file.


    Lean abc here.

  11. This site may help you. You pick out a song, scroll to the bottom of the lyrics and you can choose abc. You'll get the abc notation to compare with the sheet music. If you click midi, you'll discover if your computer is set up for playback of the abc file. If it plays, you'll be hearing how the abc file sounds.

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