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Everything posted by geoffwright

  1. There are lots of Irish tunes in Dm, which are worth looking at, because many don't have a Bb, so are even easier to get into F.
  2. I spent a long time going to workshops and relearning each time. Arriving at Noels, I was thrown into the advanced set so had to learn his method on the hoof in a morning. Even as a very able musician, I found it one hell of a challenge - he is quite a hard taskmaster and doesn't let anyone slack - he can always see one person using the bellows the wrong way in a group. I haven't had time to visit since, but he left me enough hard tunes and ideas for a good eighteen months or two years further study and practise. His method is very logical and although he did break his own rules by the second day he always gave a good reason to do it - those are the many little tricks of easier fingering to pick up. All in all, a great time - hopefully going 2009.
  3. [wind-up alert] I sometimes wonder whether beginners would be better learning cross-row tunes straight away? Something like Jimmy Allen in G on the C row, has a lot less bellows reversal that playing it all on the G row. [/wind-up alert]
  4. Try using some Tipex on the monitor screen - that will get rid of the black marker pen.
  5. Get a Rochelle Spend 2 years learning to play it Play slowly using all the notes rather than fast using some of the notes
  6. If you are a pirate, make sure its a Crrrraaaaaaaaaab (in B Flaaaaaaaaaat).
  7. We find having a large pad of music helps - we can always drag some old tunes out we haven't played for years and have a laugh playing old stuff, and are always introducing new repertoire - thats the way to keep interest up.
  8. Some really interesting photos on Jodys gallery. Have a look!! Well done Jody.
  9. Last Saturdays Aine Henesy Late Session program features an interview with Peter O'Loughlin, who will talk about his close musical friend Paddy Murphy of Connolly, Co. Clare, whose recordings have just been issued on CD. go to http://www.rte.ie/radio1/thelatesession/ the interview starts at 30:00 mins
  10. I thought the ability to play anglo with one end between your knees and a pint pot in the free hand was a must for any thirsty musician.
  11. Not one carol to the tune of another, but if your tastes in music are a bit Catholic, try "Tantum ergo sacramentum" to "All the nice girls love a sailor". Wassail.
  12. My Grandfather told me some WW1 pilots used to take bricks and rocks up and when they ran out of bullets, used to lob rocks out of the plane at Germans. He also said they used to wave at the German pilots to arrange to go off and refuel then come back and continue. He didn't spend any Christmases there but spent his 21st birthday at the front, and thankfully did come back. A Peacefull Christmas to one and all !
  13. The Varsovienne used to be a popular dance in the North East (Northumbria), we still still play them regularly.
  14. http://www.clarefm.ie/main/kitchen%20sessions.html Paula said ClareFM were considering bringing them out on cd in the near future. Some clown asked her if they could have the DVD (of a radio program!).
  15. I loved the bit about - did your father teach you concertina - no, I was a slave on his farm.
  16. I use it daily - you can get the maximum number of tunes on the page with ABC. The plus is - if you can think in ABC, you can type tunes in at work and people would think you were using notepad.
  17. http://www.tg4.ie/Webt/webt.htm choose program concertina is about 6 mins through
  18. Get a posh mobile-phone - then you can access your emails from anywhere (except Grinton).
  19. 1970s - I learned in isolation, not knowing that John Kirkpatrick and Alistair Anderson played different instruments so learned anglo sounding like both. 1980s - Noel Hill 1990s - Mary MacNamara, Jaqueline McCarthy 2000s - Chris Dromey, Tims Collins
  20. Wouldn't the late Peter Bellamy's style be considered nautical?
  21. You need to use a slower-down package to listen to some of the more "florid" players, and don't forget they use variations, so the tune is slightly different each time around. I recomend listening to Mary MacNamara if you want slower, with minimum ornaments (or some of the older-style players e.g. Mrs Crotty, Kitty Hayes etc).
  22. Robin, The date was published at the bottom of last years timetable - 16th to 18th May 2008. Try Jane Edwards on wrenbeck@onetel.net or swaledalesqueeze@hotmail.com See you there
  23. We will be there. My missus had a look at the chunks of meat available from the butcher's block menu at the Crown Hotel and there was no problem in me bringing her for a weekend of squawky concertinas.
  24. Its easiest to learn "sticky" tunes - if you hear a tune and some of it is still in your head the next day, thats a "sticky" tune. (As opposed to Shooting, Adderbury - thats a "stick" tune). Learning tunes tunes away from the instrument i.e. memorising, is one thing - learning how to cross-finger tunes you have already memorised is a separate exercise again.
  25. Have any skirt-wearers (female or male??) found they have suffered from "worn" bellows? Would a leather skirt wear the bellows? (Do they make them in my size?)
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