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  1. Thank you so much!! It is exactly what I was looking for. I am so appreciative to you and the others who have helped! Diane
  2. Oh gosh! That’s great, I feel quite a bit better now. Do you still have yours? I was hoping, somehow, for a picture with the notes written in. I have printed the charts the other gentleman advised and it is still a little bit heavy weather for me. But I will persevere! Diane
  3. Thank you for your help. The charts are printed out and I will make sense of it all. Have I made a mistake with this Wheatstone Mayfair? It cost a fair penny, but I am realizing you cannot get quality without spending. Some of the instruments I saw were icky plastic and the buttons were like a toy. But, when I saw the name Wheatstone on this one I figured I was doing OK, and the action felt very nice. What do you think? Diane
  4. Hi, I am new! I have a lovely old Wheatstone and I can’t seem to find the right fingering chart to play the notes. I have attached pictures of both sides. It doesn’t look like any of the charts I can find anywhere. Could someone help me out, point me in the right direction or even do a drawing for me? Thank you so much! Diane
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