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Kathryn Wheeler

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Everything posted by Kathryn Wheeler

  1. Thankyou for that- very interesting in that ornamentation including vibrato seems to be the main approach used to add to the mood, though there is bellows work in there (some nice use of silence and tailing off too) and sparse but telling additional notes. The contrast of tune mood is grand too
  2. Thankyou Wunks! It is quite a temptation isn’t it, but easier to resist with the mood of this piece
  3. Like the drone button you sometimes get eg C in both directions?
  4. I thought I’d update this thread with the videos I’ve been doing, so they are in one place:
  5. I’m trying a 30button at the moment - a very recent thing) (as well as continuing with my 20) and find that it opens up new doors of possibilities and choices. So I can imagine having even more buttons does the same! (Goodness, just having a button with G on the pull and A on the push, is a lush and amazing thing. That’s what I am enjoying right now! Such gorgeous dissonance possibilities as well as providing smoothness if needed).
  6. The more I play anglo, the more I’m finding what an incredibly expressive instrument it is. Obviously it naturally lends itself so very well to movement and danceability in a tune, but I’m also realising just how well it can lend itself to other moods. Id love to hear any examples you might have of anything sounding sad, soulful or wistful and what ways/techniques you might personally convey that using that. Here’s an example of what I’m trying at the moment: I’m also trying something new for me here in that this is largely unadorned melody (and only sparsely harmonised in the second half) whereas before I’d be trying everything in my “box of tricks of accompaniment” it seems!
  7. It depends on what you are intending with a piece I think - melody unadorned can be a powerful and effective thing. For the whole performance or for part of it when used for effect.
  8. Thanks for that! Yes, sometimes things can look quite busy when it’s all going on in both hands and more and more over time (especially when things are in G major) a melody will cross between hands whilst the accompaniment moves around it. I’ll have a play around and get more tunes written up from their pencil scribblings The only problem is that it’s even more enticing to play around on a concertina (ooh I am sorry, I realise that we are commenting on Maarten’s thread about his own tunes on English concertina and have veered away from that!)
  9. Thankyou! Right! It’ll be a useful exercise to write it down. I am now wondering what might be the best and clearest concertina notation style to use. Especially because there is a lot going on in both hands at the same time and it varies a lot, so some of the left hand tab I’ve seen wouldn’t work. I need something that indicates pitch and rhythm and duration! I might start a discussion thread
  10. Fascinating- I’d always pronounced the ch as in German pronounciation!
  11. Just before the New Year arrives, here's this odd little piece for this singular time of year! A no- man's land, liminal zone between Christmas and New Year that in the past would have been one of the twelve days of Christmas, each with it's own brand of festivity or activity, culminating in a big cake on the 6th! And what’s more, it was completely foggy outside! I picked up the concertina for the first time in a few days after all the Christmas preparations were finally over, just to see what came out of it. I'm not quite sure what genre you might call it! But there's a good dollop of 7/8 So, a peaceful and healthy new year to you and I wish you much merry concertina-ing in 2022!
  12. Hi Maarten! sorry for the delay in getting back to you I haven’t made them into a book yet - I hadn’t decided if that was the best way forward or whether to make sheet music available for individual tunes instead. I wasn’t sure there’s be any interest!
  13. I don’t play English concertina but I do really understand coming up with new pieces for concertina as a way of exploring the instrument, because that’s exactly what I’ve been doing with my 20b anglo!
  14. My goal is mainly to put down what my final arrangements for a tune were so if I forget I can remember what I did 😛
  15. Thankyou, happy to contribute in some way to the discussion. I’m interested to see the various ways music for the anglo (especially harmonic) can be notated clearly
  16. I forgot to mention (and this might be obvious) - when I notate harmonic stuff on one stave, left hand has stems facing downwards, right hand upwards. And of course the left hand fingerings go underneath. I can imagine a few downsides of this approach. Whilst it has all the information there (I think!), it could look daunting to some. I am used to reading music (not for concertina I might add - I've learnt that myself through mostly coming up with new tunes and playing by ear. But I come from a background of both playing sheet music on other instruments and playing by ear/improv/coming up with tunes)
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