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Gregor Markič

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Everything posted by Gregor Markič

  1. I would love to play this tune and I found a beautiful rendition in Youtube. Unfortunately I will never be able to reproduce it by ear, has anybody got a score to share? Thank you all in advance.
  2. Soundtrack from a beautiful slovene movie (1973). https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0069936/
  3. A perfect tune for my 100+ yo box.
  4. This reminds me a lot of the famous Slavonic BEČARAC (Unesco world heritage). Humorous verses, often sexual allusions.
  5. I liked a lot Doug Watt's rendition of this super funny song and I instantly knew I had to translate into my language and play it. https://www.facebook.com/100006767405588/videos/568864414865242/ My translation is a little far from the original since my audience knows little about Henry and his family values. I preserved the macabre athmosphere, though. Živemu človeku se zgodi (Many things happen to a living person) marsikaj, v grob pade mrlič, (a dead corpse only rolls in the grave) papež, kralj, berač, nič važno ni, (be pope, king or beggar, it doesn't matter) ko umreš, uzame te hudič. (when you die, the devil's got you) Ko zmoliš svoj poslednji očenaš, (when you say your last Lord's prayer) ne obudi te sto zadušnih maš. (no requem will resuscitate you) Starka s koso hodi med ljudmi, usak se je boji, (The reaper walks among people, everybody fears her) starka s koso glavo odrobi, kdo ji ubeži? (The reaper will chop your head off, nobody escapes her) Pravijo, da morajo umreti vsi ljudje, (People say everybody must die) morda tudi nas pobere kdaj nekega dne, (maybe even I will perish some day) ni pratike, ki dan in uro smrti napove, (there is no book containing your last date and hour) starka s koso hodi med ljudmi. (The reaper walks among people) Enega povozi avtobus, (Someone is driven over by a bus) drugi sam obesi se pod strop, (another man will hang himself) džanki si ubrizga zlati šus, (a junkie will take his final golden sniff) četrtega že čaka strelski vod, (for the fourth there is already a firing squad ready) in Jezusa pribili so na križ, (and Jesus was nailed to the cross) oh, ne, Matildi ti ne ubežiš. (oh, no, you will not escape the grim reaper) Starka s koso hodi med ljudmi, usak se je boji, (The reaper walks among people, everybody fears her) starka s koso glavo odrobi, kdo ji ubeži? (The reaper will chop your head off, nobody escapes her) Kaj pomaga vera u nebesa in pekel? (The faith in heaven and in hell is no good) Nikdar še nikoli ni nihče nazaj pršou, (since never has anybody come back) tudi če hudiču svojo dušo bi prodou, (even if you sell your soul to the devil) starka s koso glavo odrobi. (The reaper will chop your head off.)
  6. Hello, Alan. I'm trying... and something different is coming out. 😁
  7. Alan, I'd love to learn this. Am I only left with playing it by ear or can you publish any score?
  8. Interestingly I've played now different concertinas for two years, I learned mostly from youtube and from this forum, but it never crossed my mind I could only play chords and sing along. For now I only play with left hand, maybe someone can help with both-hands-chords chart? I'm presenting this funny drinking song, see my quick-hand and rather rough translation. Singing and performing- also with not much care or effort 😄. Monday - discipline maybe a glass of wine Tuesday - I get wasted with beer. I don't drink I only degustate or sometimes when I get dehidrated to break the ice, to clear my throat I've never drunk for the sake of love.. Wednesday- whiskey with ice afterwards whatever comes by Thursday- plum spirit- my head hurts. Friday- brandy or cognac, to sooth my stomach, Saturday- I'm not picky because I'm so frustrated. Sunday- I reboot and I decant my contents, If I summarize- I only degustate.
  9. No. It's a Clare from Irish concertina company.
  10. I know Ukrainians love this song very much. Чтобь оружие молчало... Silence all weapons... Naj orožje umolkne... Silentu la bataliloj... Cedant arma togae... Tacciano le armi... Die Waffen sollen schweigen... https://youtu.be/iIWSo2xTZqs
  11. Hello, I didn't want to bother him too much with my presence. I got a very good impression what playing the highest shelf concertina looks like. In 3 years I'm turning 50. Then I'll buy myself a vintage, and in a year I plan to trade it up for Eiru.
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