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Everything posted by Jim2010

  1. i would like to thank everyone for their help, which has been invaluable. I hope my accordina arrives soon. Best wishes. Jim
  2. Dear Dan, Thank you. Something I cannot tell from looking at youtube performances how much breath is needed to play. I played trumpet as a child and recorders as an adult (and harmonica if you consider playing like Bob Dylan to be "playing the harmonica"). Is it comparable to any of those instruments? Thanks, Jim
  3. Thanks Geoff for the website link and Tona for the link to the beautiful tune. (I hope that someday I can play that well!) Regarding the placement of the mouthpiece on the Dreux instruments, are there any physical/mechanical advantages (arm/hand/finger) or posture advantages to having the mouthpiece in one place or the other. Jim
  4. Dear Dan, Thank you. Your comments are very helpful. I am going to order a Dreux instrument. Am I correct in thinking that if I want I can change the location of the mouthpiece myself (if I have the necessary mouthpiece)? I am leaning toward starting with the long Nicolas mouthpiece, but who knows. I wouldn't want to have to send the instrument to France just to change the mouthpiece location. I've heard that each instrument is special ordered and it can take a few months for it to arrive. Is that your understanding? I guess in the meantime I'll practice on the iPad CBA (if I only knew what to practice). Any further suggestions apprciated, including any method books that might be helpful. I might be able to struggle through the Galliano book. Because I have a lot of experience with similar instruments (in the sense that fingering patterns are readily moveable) such as guitar, lute, viols, and c vs f recorders, and I am used to both regular musical notation and four types of tabliture, I should be okay with the mental side of things. Hopefully there are excercises to help my fingers get used to the most common movements, and suggestions on how to make a nice sound breath/embouchure-wise. If you don't mind...why do you have three accordinas? Best, Jim
  5. Dear Dan, Thank you. I look forward to hearing more. If there is any other forum (or other location) where you think I can get information about buying (and playing) an accordina I would appreciate it. Best, Jim
  6. I want to play the accordina but need help choosing one. I am leaning toward either the Dreux or Carrel instruments (or an original Borel if one became available) but haven't seen them compared or heard them played side by side. If anyone has experience playing either or both of these instruments I would like to get your opinion on the various instruments, including placement and style of mouthpiece. Thank you. Jim
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