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Sunny Jim

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Making things, Sailing, some Tricycling, not gardening and concertina playing.
  • Location
    Edinburgh UK

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Member (2/6)

  1. Ha ha- I know that feeling! An interesting thing is when I try to play along with the fiddler here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyzopylT-Yg the organ part seems to become much more noticeable - my addled brain thinks the nice music must be me!
  2. Thanks! What instrument are you playing? I'm guessing English by the fluidity. English Morse Geordie tenor. I can't do bass line chords, so sort of smudged the melody line. Sort of like an Ultravox version of the tune... Not a bad description ;-) About right for my vintage as well.
  3. Thanks! What instrument are you playing? I'm guessing English by the fluidity. English Morse Geordie tenor. I can't do bass line chords, so sort of smudged the melody line.
  4. AMEN brother! ( or is that an Americanism?) "There's naething the public'll pay you quicker or better for, than for daein' wi' your legs what an engine'll dae faur better" Dan McPhail Engineer SS Vital Spark.
  5. Best I can do so far. https://soundcloud.com/sunny-jim-1/trollspolka1
  6. I use MuseScore notation s/w. Free for both Linux & Windows. It will import abc with an online plugin & transpose by key or interval.
  7. Working on it. Got most of the notes. Just need to get them in the right order then start on the right time....
  8. Spoilt for choice here. These trolls have me baffled, but the others are ear-worms.
  9. Maybe Epipelagic- being on the edge of the continental shelf. ~ 20 ft bilge keelers. Think not 'Gin Palace' but 'Rum Hovel'. If you don't mind me asking what type of boats were you using? The Pelagic Isle are bless with a huge range of seacraft, both the very latest and some of the most ancient.
  10. Thanks for the welcoming noises. I've learn't a lot here already - hopefully be able to contribute something in return eventually.
  11. Well I've been hanging around outside the door listening to nice music and peering through misted up windows at all that heavy squeezing for a month or so thought I'd say hello. Lapsed concertinist returning to the fold after quite a lot of years. The intent back then was more a minor contribution to the general merriment in small sailing boats and mountain bothies than any pretention to musicianship, relying heavily on the peculiar sound transmision properties of alchohol laden air to smooth over the odd stuck reed and wayward semitone or three. But now a new begining, armed with a very nice Morse Geordie. Currently ploughing my way through all these monthly tunes and weekend somethings - I've still got about 2 years to catch up. Jim
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