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Everything posted by ladyhealer

  1. Johanna, that info on the baffles was perfect! Dear friends, Thank you all for sharing your advice. Here is a link to one of my heritage stories, published in the Yuhika Latuhse Literary Journal: She Tells Us Stories. I hope you will see how my concertina will add melodrama to my performances. http://www.thesparklinglady.com/images/hurucan-cyprian-web.pdf
  2. Oh I am so excited to know all about your 18! I think that your idea to construct baffles is a creative and inspiring way to deal with the problem. I need to do that too. I am grateful for your offer to share the information with me. Will you post it here or shall I give you an email address? What type of concertina is your 48? Is it too, English? I sing many Child ballads and have been picking my way around these on my German 20. I am so grateful to you for telling me how MANY tunes you were able to play on your mini and how few you were forced to lay aside. I'd love to see those videos! ;D
  3. Johanna, Can you tell me about using your 18? I am interested in the music you played. If there are any videos I surely would love a peek!
  4. Mike, I would dearly love to read your review of your little 18 and how you used it. I am excited to receive mine and give it a whirl. Also, I believe that it is English and I look forward to attempting to try my original tunes on it. Johanna, Did you find that you were very limited in creating your tunes with it? Mike? Eve Silver Lady Healer
  5. Johanna! I bought it! I bought the 18 button Hohner mini from Button Box. I really compared it to the Jackie, but in the end I realized that my search began because of my small hands and my hand surgery. I think the weight is the issue here. For me, anyway. Ease of play and travel are next. I want to be able to us it everywhere I go and my German 20 button is too large to throw into my suitcase or carry on board. This tiny gem seems both adequate and portable, suitable to my needs at present. I am so happy I posted and got your response and the response of others on this post thank you. I listened to the video they demoed and I was surprised to hear the 18 is mellowed than I expected: my German is pretty and colorful but some of the notes are strictly. Dog whistles so I realized that I am not using all 20 at all! Maybe half!! It should arrive next week and I will post again to let everybody know what I think. I am a vocalist and Native narrative storyteller ( http://www.thesparklinglady.com/ ). I believe my concertina will add drama and excitement to my stories. I sing, for the world is a lonely place, in need of my song. Eve Silver Lady Healer
  6. Ohhh boy I am so glad that I have posted this! A hearty THANK YOU to you both. Heading to check out the Hohner now ...
  7. I have small hands and noticed that there is an older STAGI 18 button for sale now on EBay. It appears to from an Estate sale and looks like it hasn't been used for a long time and kind of beat up but it is the kind I have been looking for, for myself. Would you guys take a look at it and tell me just your thoughts on it? It is listed as noted in the attached photo. The case is badly rusted but the Tina is supposed to be quite sound. Thanks Eve
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