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Everything posted by ladyhealer

  1. Sean!! What a great job! Your design is PERFECT. Many sales to you, Eve Silver on Valentina (20 Button)
  2. Steve, I actually just used a dremel this week to file/flatten my buttons. I hated to do it but the domed buttons have been very hard for me to control. The flatter buttons are great for me; far easier to control.
  3. I am so glad to have this lovely ad! I too had a golden cocker spaniel. Nice to find another concertina/dog lover of old!
  4. These posts are all lovely large instruments. Here is my delicate flower, Valentina, an 18 button English by Hohner.
  5. These posts are all lovely large instruments. Here is my Valentina, an 18 button English by Hohner.
  6. It is very popular here, Holden. I use it in my mural work, to protect areas that I have already painted and of course areas that I don't want to paint. It comes off easily. It's great for trying to paint a clean, crisp line. Holden, just want to let you know that the original baffle tape is working fine without marring. I won't be leaving it on!
  7. Jody It seems to me that you are describing something similar to/like discrete quanta/particles of sound ... Like a quantum particle of sound. Very interesting ... I wonder if it can be so.
  8. No. It is definitely NOT masking tape! It is PAINTER's tape. It is designed to have a MUCH MUCH looser hold than masking tape. Here is why: "[unlike masking tape] Blue painters tape is designed for extended use on a surface. It will release easier even if exposed to sunlight. Blue tape is available with different ranges of contact time; normal blue tape - up to 7 days and extended contact blue tape - 2 weeks or more." I believe most concertina practices, gigs, and jams, last LESS than 24 hours! I have been peeling and checking the Blue painters tape I used on my concertina and it has not seized up yet (6 hours still unmarred by tape: See photo attached). In my last note I suggested removing the tape for reapplication when needed and storing the used tape on wax paper. Thanks Holden for caring to comment! 6 hours still unmarred by tape. See photo below.
  9. Hi All, As an artist, painter's tape often comes in handy for my various projects. It occurred to me that I might be able to reduce the sound of my 18 button Englishconcertina by using a strip of painter's tape on the two "lower" baffles which are normally obscured by my hands. I simply cut two strips to fit the area into more or less band-aid shapes and gently adhered them to cover the two "lower" baffles which are normally obscured by my hands. Valentina's sound was beautifully reduced by half without warping the sound or by sounding muffled. It seems to work perfectly WITHOUT marring the finish (which is ostensibly what painter's tape is designed to avoid). When I remove the tape, I will adhere it to a piece of wax paper, fold the paper over the top of the strips, and put it into my kit bag for use at a later time. Hope this Blue Tape Trick is useful for others as it has so marvelously worked for me. I got a dog and his name is Blue. (Photo below Valentina).
  10. I am certainly bound. Lovely verses Wolf!
  11. Wolf! What a lovely lady you posted! That is the most elegant I have seen! I love the gilt work. So happy you shared it with me (with us all)! I am still working with Valentina, not ready to post yet. Why must life intrude when music awaits? She sits breathing shallowly in a small, dark, space, And longs for a breath and a bow, And to sit thus bowed upon Her knee, Making sweet reed-music just Her and she. Making sweet reed-music, together. To fill her bellows she bows both ends Drawing close together, neighbors and friends, Some rise to kick and some to sing and some to cry if there's suffering; Valentina's sweep, Valentina's sighs, Making sweet reed-music just She and I..
  12. [ladyhealer grinds her teeth jealously.]
  13. Hi Ed, I had no idea you had pm'do me! Even now I don't know where to look for that. So sorry to have missed you!
  14. Hi Wolf, I was not able to open your rehearsal sound file. The site said something was wrong. I will try to get it later today. I have been having fun trying to copy your Barbara Allen on Valentina! If it turns out to be a decent albeit slightly different rendition, I will post it so you can hear.
  15. On my Kindle. Thanks! Wish I knew them all!
  16. Thank you statisticians one and all! I feel MUCH better now!
  17. Oh how I wish I could purchase your concertina, sounds lovely!!! No doubt you will find a buyer soon!
  18. Hi Wolf, good day to you! I am referring to the number of REPLIES listed next to the Discussion forums. I attached a picture of it. For instance, did you REALLY get over 1600 replies to anything you posted? I was happily posting away about Valentina when I noticed this oddity.
  19. If there were something in Philly it would be an hour from me and an hour from you. Ahhh ... if wishers were horses ...
  20. Our Forum page replies are suddenly through the roof ... any idea if we are being hacked or why those numbers are so incredibly skewed? Just wondering.
  21. Hello, I replaced the stiffer leathers on my English 18 button Concertina and I am pleased with the results. See the video here: http://youtu.be/nDlA9o1AgXY
  22. Hi Jim, thanks for the information! So begins my search!
  23. [sorry Wolf! YIKES! I don't even KNOW anybody named 'Walter'!!] Stuart is right, your voice has an authenticity that is very appealing. ENCORE?
  24. The bag I am using now is just a wee too snug for my taste so it's back to bring a purse! I shall pursue the camera bag idea. Thanks for the thrift store tip Mike. Matt, wow thank you for the open chords! I really need those!
  25. I am interested in meeting with other concertina players around and in my area: New York, NJ, Connecticut. Please contact me if you know of a local meet up or are interested in beginning one. Thank you.
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