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Steve Wilson

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Posts posted by Steve Wilson

  1. I played guitar with a bunch of mates at high school, usual repertoire, Dylan, PP&M, Donivan,etc.  Then a band called The Seekers came on the scene and I discovered traditional Australian music, didn't know we had any before that.  Later scored a job in a "colonial" restaurant singing Aussie songs.  Bit later again, 1973,I went to a folk festival and saw someone? singing with a concertina.  It was a revelation.  I knew immediately I'd found my instrument and after inquiries I procured an English.  Fifty years later I'm beginning to learn to play it.

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  2. The wrist straps are to take the pressure off my thumbs on the draw.  With growing older and perhaps playing while standing I started to get to get sore thumbs about ten years ago and the wrist straps fixed the problem.  I don't think the straps have much influence on the way the bellows are used for expression.

  3. I'm posting this in response to the September post about expressive bellows changes on the English.  I change the bellows direction constantly to create rhythm when chording songs. This one is appropriate for busking and very simple.  As well as direction change there is also subtle pressure variation between changes.  However the audio isn't great so perhaps difficult to hear.  Happy New Year everyone, be safe and well.


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  4. G'day David, I have lurked on C-net at times but other things in life have distracted me over the last few years. Things like bushfires, covid and a second brush with cancer, all good now.  Getting on with more playing these days and thought maybe I'll give Hayden a go.

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  5. G'day All,


    There is currently a series of videos being released on a daily basis that features traditional Australian tunes and some songs and played by some of our concertina players here in Australia.  The series is inclusive with players of a range of abilities and styles.  Warren Fahey initiated the project with the aim of increasing awareness of Australia's traditional tunes which evolved with the country (bush) dance culture that existed in days gone by.


    There are nine videos, each about 20 minutes long, being released between 23rd and 31st of July and can be viewed on the Concertina Australia Youtube channel here.  So far there are just three, here is today's, #3.






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  6. Fascinating reading everyone's stories.  Me, during high school years I played guitar, learned with friends, played Dylan, PP & M, Beatles etc. A bit later I discovered traditional Australian folksong and moonlighted in "colonial" type restaurants. THEN at a folk festival I saw someone playing and singing with a concertina, don't know who, could have been Danny Spooner.  Immediately I knew that was the instrument for me, especially as I intended to travel, backpacker style. Didn't know about systems but inquired and was told for song accompaniment english was the way to go.  Found one, a Lachenal, not in great condition I soon discovered but later while traveling I picked up one from Boris Matusewich after noticing a tiny advertisement in the NYTimes.  He had some made, in Italy I think, for his students and that was the instrument that got me going.

  7. 12 hours ago, tomstaff said:

    I am young-ish (23) and would love to start playing. unfortunately concertinas aren't cheap :///////

    Yes that is unfortunate but they do tend to hold their value.  If you can scrape together the funds for an entry level instrument you shouldn't lose too much on a sale when upgrading.  Sometimes generous concertina people will loan underutilized instruments if you can earn their trust and perhaps demonstrate some musical ability.  If you're in Oz I could possibly assist.  Reach out to your local concertina community, something nice might happen.

  8. On 9/7/2020 at 6:30 AM, soloduet said:

    Maybe even more lost in translation because I don't know well this music and I didn't want to just make a copy, but after listening to both versions I tried to adapt it on my Wicky duet in the same key of G. For me it's the same tune with 2 big changes in the Tricolor version: the rhythm and a F natural instead of a F sharp in some parts:









    Yes very lovely, both versions and yes Yuka Nakafuji's video has disappeared it seems, such a shame.  Since I have Gary's tutor I learnt this tune, albeit on english, after viewing the video which is unusual as I'm more into song accompaniment with concertina. Shall continue to play it Yaka's way, the first way I've heard it even though I've since listened to the original version. But Soloduet may I suggest you slow it down just a tad, Yuka might be chuffed.

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