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Patrick Scannell

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Posts posted by Patrick Scannell

  1. Apparently Yousician listens to the microphone and analyses the sound to determine what note you are playing. It had no trouble with either my Elise or my Beaumont playing either single notes or triads. I used it for the first time today and was impressed. I ran it on a Samsung notepad.


    Can't see why a Peacock or EC wouldn't work fine. I would have suggested a Peacock to cryptastix, but the ButtonBox does not happen to have one in stock.


    I'm using the Piano mode of Yousician, and other than the lesson to practice "Thumb-under" everything so far has fit the Hayden just fine.



  2. Maybe the best way is beginner piano or accordion music and try to adapt the bass and treble to fit the Hayden. Ron


    Scratch the "best" to avoid trouble. TMTOWTDI So much depends on where you are and where you are inclined to go. I have found easy piano music to be fun, educational, and quite available for many tunes.


    How about "Beauty and the Beast" as an example: https://musescore.com/score/2335211/download/pdf

  3. Duet specific music tends to take advantage of the duets ability to play fancy stuff like counterpoint, or simultaneous harmony line with the melody. Gorgeous but frustrating for a beginner.


    Try learning the left hand chord shapes. Just 2, major and minor will get you a long way. There are links to diagrams of the shapes on this site if you search, or shout if you can't find them.


    Then get music with melody notes and chord symbols ("C", "G", "D", "Em" etc) so you can play the melody with your right hand and accompany yourself with the left.


    A great beginner book for this if you like English folk is Easy Peasy Tunes by Dave Mallison: http://www.hobgoblin-usa.com/local/sales/products/GM07028/easy-peasy-tunes-by-mally/


    And the Internet is full of a lifetime supply of free such scores. Try: http://www.8notes.com/school/search_fsm.asp?keyword=free+folk&x=0&y=0

    Search musescore.com, folktunefinder.com. Have fun.

  4. Dominant 7ths are consistant and easy. They fit the pinky of your left hand perfectly.


    (4) (5) (6) (7)

    (Dominant7th) (1) (2) (3)


    So a C7 is:


    ( ) ( m) ( ) ( )

    (p) ( r) ( ) (i)


    Where your ring finger is on the C, index on the 3rd, and middle finger on the 5th.

  5. Thanks Bellowbelle and eveyone who has contributed to the chordly diversion question. Your comments have helped.


    Sorry Ron, I should have started a new thread.


    About your original question of memorizing music from a score; once I can play it with my eyes open, I just see how far I can get with my eyes closed and keep that up until I can get to the end.

    Then add the title to a list of tunes to revisit so I don't forget.



    Playing by ear, I listen first for the I-IV-V -- the chord structure. Even if there are no chords -- it's just a 'tune' -- I still find the chords.


    Ditto Bellowbelle. First the chords. Then the tune follows from them... for me.


    Could anyone with the "chords first" mindset please elaborate on how this is done?


    When picking out a tune without a score, finding the notes first is not too hard, then finding the chords is always a challenge for me.

    Doing it the other way around is too alien to imagine. Is there a whole different way to hear music? Or is my brain just note handed, vs chord handed?


    If you think this subject is too far adrift from the original question, I'll happily create a new topic.


    I was told by Wim Wakker that the Peacock and the Wakker Haydens can be ordered with ascending or descending button arrangements on either side. Indeed, my Peacock has an ascending right side and a descending left side button arrangement. I find it a more natural fit to the way my brain works.


    Interesting. So your Peacock is the reverse of my Beaumont. Anyone else have a custom button arrangement?

    My Geuns C-system bandonion descends on both sides and I find that an easy fit for both hands and brain.

  8. The origami bellows (light, cheap, diy) sounds good for reed testing bellows at least.


    I'd like to see a Hayden with a right hand button field scale ascending from pinky to index just as it does on the left side. With the fingering I use, this would give the pinky 1/7 of the scale, and the stronger fingers 2/7 each just as exists on the left hand side. Uniform chord fingering pattens is another plus.


    Anyone seen this suggestion before? Any downside?

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