Jeffries 49-key Concertina

This is an old page posted when someone offered this instrument for sale. It was sold long ago, so please don't ask about that -- this page is included here for general and historical interest. -- The Editors

As far as I can tell, this is a 49-key Jeffries anglo. I haven't seen or tried it, but below are the pictures the owner provided to me. While the owner said it is now an anglo, after speaking to Paul Groff about it and showing the pictures to Noel Hill, I can now say that it was almost certainly originally a Jeffries Duet system. Apparently, it was not uncommon for people to convert these to anglos, as there were (and still are) very few duet players, and there were (and still are!) even fewer Jeffries duet system players. The clincher was seeing the Jeffries duet picture on Nick Robertshaw's site -- it looks nearly identical. With this many buttons, it's probably pretty big and heavy and so it's probably not a great primary instrument for Irish music, but it's an interesting piece of concertina history and I'm sure it still sounds and plays quite nice. I don't know much more about it, but I though it was interesting, so here it is.