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"a Flamboyant And Idiosyncratic Ultra-Romanist" Concertina Pla

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Whilst searching for images of William Kimber yesterday I stumbled upon this blog, from "the rants and raving" of a Dallas parish priest, about the "ultra-Romanist" leanings of the concertina world's "Father Ken" - Fr. Kenneth Loveless MBE, onetime Squire of the Morris Ring and President of the International Concertina Association.


It's interesting to see him from another perspective: "a flamboyant and idiosyncratic ultra-Romanist" concertina player

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Heh heh, I remember his enthusiasm. I was standing in a food queue at a festival somewhere in England in 1974, and turned to see him behind me. I didn't know him but I saw the concertina he was holding and commented (backed up by my firm grip on total ignorance) "that looks nice". Well, I got the full rundown, and after a while noticed that the rest of the queue was looking anxious. Sure enough, there was no longer any queue behind me, and we were at great risk of being run down by the starving hordes. We raced for the counter, ordered our food, introduced ourselves and went our separate ways.


I can no longer remember what the concertina was, but I do remember that he pronounced ev-er-y syl-la-ble sep-ar-ate-ly and dis-tin-c-tly.



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